Foundry-ZKsync Book
Foundry-ZKsync is a smart contract development toolchain for ZKsync, built upon Foundry.
Foundry-ZKsync manages your dependencies, compiles your project, runs tests, deploys, and lets you interact with the chain from the command-line and via Solidity scripts.
⚠️ Alpha Stage: The project is in alpha, so you might encounter issues. For more information or reporting bugs, please visit the Foundry-ZKsync GitHub repository.
To get started with Foundry-ZKsync, install Foundry-ZKsync and set up your first project.
This section will give you an overview of how to create and work with existing projects.
This section will give you an the necessary information to write and run tests for zkEVM.
This section has a comprehensive review of all the Foundry commands actually supported in the Foundry-ZKSync tool.
📖 Contributing
This book is actual work in progress as part of the global efforts to support Foundry in ZKSync. More information, sections and pages will be added as we the project progresses.
Feedback and contributions are welcome. You can contribute to this book on Foundry-ZKSync Book GitHub repository.
For general information about Foundry, see the Foundry Book.
Precompiled Binaries
Precompiled binaries can be downloaded from the GitHub releases page. For easier management, we recommend using Foundryup. Currently due to active development it’s recommended to use the latest nightly from the releases page.
Using Foundryup-zksync
Foundryup-zksync is the official installer for the Foundry-ZKsync toolchain. You can learn more about it here.
To install Foundryup-zksync, open your terminal and run the following command:
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matter-labs/foundry-zksync/main/install-foundry-zksync | bash
This will install Foundryup-zksync. Simply follow the on-screen instructions, and the foundryup-zksync
command will become available in your CLI.
Running foundryup-zksync
will automatically install the latest (nightly) versions of the precompiled binaries: forge
and cast
. For additional options, such as installing a specific version or commit, run foundryup-zksync --help
ℹ️ Note
Currently only
are supported for ZKsync. Other commands retain their original behavior but may not work as intended.
ℹ️ Note
If you’re on Windows, you will need to install and use Git BASH or WSL, as your terminal, since Foundryup-zksync currently does not support Powershell or Cmd. Windows support is currently provided as best-effort.
Building from Source
You’ll need the Rust compiler and Cargo, Rust’s package manager. The easiest way to install both is by using
Foundry-ZKsync generally supports building only with the configured nightly Rust version.
The presence of rust-toolchain
file automatically downloads the correct nightly rust version when commands are run from the Foundry-ZKsync directory.
For Windows users, you’ll also need a recent version of Visual Studio, with the “Desktop Development With C++” workload installed.
You can either use the different Foundryup-ZKsync flags:
foundryup-zksync --branch master
foundryup-zksync --path path/to/foundry-zksync
Alternatively, you can install via Cargo with the following command:
cargo install --git https://github.com/matter-labs/foundry-zksync --profile release --locked forge cast
Or, by manually building from a local copy of the Foundry-ZKsync repository:
# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/matter-labs/foundry-zksync.git
cd foundry
# install Forge
cargo install --path ./crates/forge --profile release --force --locked
# install Cast
cargo install --path ./crates/cast --profile release --force --locked
CI Installation with GitHub Actions
The latest binaries for the appropriate architecture can be installed directly using the following GitHub Action:
- name: Install Foundry-ZKsync
uses: dutterbutter/foundry-zksync-toolchain@v1
For further details, visit the foundry-zksync-toolchain repository.
Using Foundry with Docker
ℹ️ Note
No prebuilt images are available for docker yet.
First Steps with Foundry-ZKsync
This section introduces the forge
command-line tool. We will walk through creating a new project, compiling it, and running tests.
To start a new project with Foundry-ZKsync, use the forge init
$ forge init hello_foundry
Now, let’s explore the structure that forge
has generated for us:
$ cd hello_foundry
$ tree . -d -L 1
├── lib
├── script
├── src
└── test
4 directories
You can compile the project using forge build --zksync
$ forge build --zksync
Compiling 27 files with zksolc and solc 0.8.26
zksolc and solc 0.8.26 finished in 2.85s
Compiler run successful!
To run the tests, use the forge test --zksync
$ forge test --zksync
Compiling 25 files with Solc 0.8.27
Solc 0.8.27 finished in 676.84ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 683547, ~: 577696)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 526627)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.20s (3.20s CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 3.20s (3.20s CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)
💡 Tip
You can always view detailed help for any command or subcommand by appending
to it.
For visual learners, be sure to check out these beginner tutorials.
Creating a New Project
To start a new project with Foundry-ZKsync, use forge init
$ forge init hello_foundry
This creates a new directory hello_foundry
from the default template. This also initializes a new git
If you want to create a new project using a different template, you would pass the --template
flag, like so:
$ forge init --template https://github.com/foundry-rs/forge-template hello_template
For now, let’s check what the default template looks like:
$ cd hello_foundry
$ tree . -d -L 1
├── lib
├── script
├── src
└── test
4 directories
The default template comes with one dependency installed: Forge Standard Library. This is the preferred testing library used for Foundry projects. Additionally, the template also comes with an empty starter contract and a simple test.
Let’s build the project:
$ forge build --zksync
Compiling 27 files with zksolc and solc 0.8.26
zksolc and solc 0.8.26 finished in 2.85s
Compiler run successful!
And run the tests:
$ forge test --zksync
Compiling 25 files with Solc 0.8.27
Solc 0.8.27 finished in 676.84ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 683547, ~: 577696)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 526627)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.20s (3.20s CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 3.20s (3.20s CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)
You’ll notice that two new directories have popped up: out
, zkout
and cache
The out
directory contains your EVM contract artifact, such as the ABI, the zkout
directory contains the zkEVM contract artifacts, while the cache
is used by forge
to only recompile what is necessary.
Working on an Existing Project
Foundry makes developing with existing projects have no overhead.
For this example, we will use PaulRBerg’s
First, clone the project and run forge install
inside the project directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/PaulRBerg/foundry-template
$ cd foundry-template
$ forge install
$ bun install # install Solhint, Prettier, and other Node.js deps
We run forge install
to install the submodule dependencies that are in the project.
To build, use forge build
$ forge build --zksync
Compiling 28 files with zksolc and solc 0.8.25
zksolc and solc 0.8.25 finished in 4.68s
Compiler run successful!
And to test, use forge test
$ forge test --zksync
Compiling 25 files with Solc 0.8.25
Solc 0.8.25 finished in 925.41ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 3 tests for test/Foo.t.sol:FooTest
[PASS] testFork_Example() (gas: 3779)
[PASS] testFuzz_Example(uint256) (runs: 1000, μ: 213166, ~: 213166)
[PASS] test_Example() (gas: 215916)
Suite result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 5.69s (5.69s CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 5.69s (5.69s CPU time): 3 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (3 total tests)
Clone a Verified Contract on Chain
To clone an on-chain verified contract as a Forge project, use forge clone
, say WETH9 on Ethereum mainnet:
$ forge clone 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 WETH9
This creates a new directory WETH9
, configures it as a foundry project and clones all the source code of the contract into it. This also initializes a new git
Downloading the source code of 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 from Etherscan...
Initializing /home/zhan4987/WETH9...
Installing forge-std in /home/zhan4987/WETH9/lib/forge-std (url: Some("https://github.com/foundry-rs/forge-std"), tag: None)
Cloning into '/home/zhan4987/WETH9/lib/forge-std'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 2243, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2238/2238), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (778/778), done.
remote: Total 2243 (delta 1489), reused 2097 (delta 1391), pack-reused 5
Receiving objects: 100% (2243/2243), 649.07 KiB | 8.89 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1489/1489), done.
Installed forge-std v1.8.1
Initialized forge project
Collecting the creation information of 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 from Etherscan...
Waiting for 5 seconds to avoid rate limit...
[⠊] Compiling...
[⠒] Compiling 1 files with 0.4.19
[⠢] Solc 0.4.19 finished in 9.50ms
Compiler run successful!
The cloned Forge project comes with an additional .clone.meta
metadata file besides those ordinary files that a normal Forge project has.
Let’s see what the .clone.meta
file looks like:
"path": "src/Contract.sol",
"targetContract": "WETH9",
"address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
"chainId": 1,
"creationTransaction": "0xb95343413e459a0f97461812111254163ae53467855c0d73e0f1e7c5b8442fa3",
"deployer": "0x4f26ffbe5f04ed43630fdc30a87638d53d0b0876",
"constructorArguments": "0x",
"storageLayout": {
"storage": [],
"types": {}
is a compact JSON data file that contains the information of the on-chain contract instance, e.g., contract address, constructor arguments, etc. More details of the metadata can be found in the reference.
Forge manages dependencies using git submodules by default, which means that it works with any GitHub repository that contains smart contracts.
Adding a dependency
To add a dependency, run forge install
$ forge install transmissions11/solmate
Installing solmate in /tmp/tmp.kp75MtRKL1/deps/lib/solmate (url: Some("https://github.com/transmissions11/solmate"), tag: None)
Installed solmate
This pulls the solmate
library, stages the .gitmodules
file in git and makes a commit with the message “Installed solmate”.
If we now check the lib
$ tree lib -L 1
├── forge-std
├── solmate
└── weird-erc20
3 directories, 0 files
We can see that Forge installed solmate
By default, forge install
installs the latest master branch version. If you want to install a specific tag or commit, you can do it like so:
$ forge install transmissions11/solmate@v7
Remapping dependencies
Forge can remap dependencies to make them easier to import. Forge will automatically try to deduce some remappings for you:
$ forge remappings
These remappings mean:
- To import from
we would write:import "forge-std/Contract.sol";
- To import from
we would write:import "ds-test/Contract.sol";
- To import from
we would write:import "solmate/Contract.sol";
- To import from
we would write:import "weird-erc20/Contract.sol";
You can customize these remappings by creating a remappings.txt
file in the root of your project.
Let’s create a remapping called solmate-utils
that points to the utils
folder in the solmate repository!
You can also set remappings in foundry.toml
remappings = [
Now we can import any of the contracts in src/utils
of the solmate repository like so:
import {LibString} from "@solmate-utils/LibString.sol";
Updating dependencies
You can update a specific dependency to the latest commit on the version you have specified using forge update <dep>
. For example, if we wanted to pull the latest commit from our previously installed master-version of solmate
, we would run:
$ forge update lib/solmate
Alternatively, you can do this for all dependencies at once by just running forge update
Removing dependencies
You can remove dependencies using forge remove <deps>...
, where <deps>
is either the full path to the dependency or just the name. For example, to remove solmate
both of these commands are equivalent:
$ forge remove solmate
# ... is equivalent to ...
$ forge remove lib/solmate
Hardhat compatibility
Forge also supports Hardhat-style projects where dependencies are npm packages (stored in node_modules
) and contracts are stored in contracts
as opposed to src
To enable Hardhat compatibility mode pass the --hh
Soldeer as a Package Manager
As explained here, Foundry has been using git submodules to handle dependencies up until now.
The need for a native package manager started to emerge as projects became more complex.
A new approach has been in the making, soldeer.xyz, which is a Solidity native dependency manager built in Rust and open sourced (check the repository https://github.com/mario-eth/soldeer).
Initialize a new project
If you’re using Soldeer for the first time in a new Foundry project, you can use the init
command to install a fresh instance of Soldeer, complete with the necessary configurations and the latest version of forge-std
forge soldeer init
Adding a Dependency
Add a Dependency Stored in the Central Repository
To add a dependency, you can visit soldeer.xyz and search for the dependency you want to add (e.g., openzeppelin 5.0.2).
Then just run the forge command:
forge soldeer install @openzeppelin-contracts~5.0.2
This will download the dependency from the central repository and install it into a dependencies
Soldeer can manage two types of dependency configuration: using soldeer.toml
or embedded in the foundry.toml
. In order to work with Foundry, you have to define the [dependencies]
config in the foundry.toml
. This will tell the soldeer CLI
to define the installed dependencies there.
# Full reference https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry/tree/master/crates/config
auto_detect_solc = false
bytecode_hash = "none"
fuzz = { runs = 1_000 }
libs = ["dependencies"] # <= This is important to be added
gas_reports = ["*"]
[dependencies] # <= Dependencies will be added under this config
"@openzeppelin-contracts" = { version = "5.0.2" }
"@uniswap-universal-router" = { version = "1.6.0" }
"@prb-math" = { version = "4.0.2" }
forge-std = { version = "1.8.1" }
Add a Dependency Stored at a Specific Link
If the central repository does not have a certain dependency, you can install it by providing a zip archive link.
forge soldeer install @custom-dependency~1.0.0 https://my-website.com/custom-dependency-1-0-0.zip
The above command will try to download the dependency from the provided link and install it as a normal dependency. For this, you will see in the config an additional field called path
"@custom-dependency" = { version = "1.0.0", path = "https://my-website.com/custom-dependency-1-0-0.zip" }
Add a Dependency Stored in GIT
If you choose to use Git as a source for your dependencies — though we generally discourage this, since Git isn’t designed to be a dependency manager — you can provide the Git repository link as an additional argument. Soldeer will then automatically handle the installation using a Git subprocess. For example:
forge soldeer install forge-std~1.9.2 https://github.com/foundry-rs/forge-std.git
If you want to use a specific revision, branch, or tag, you can do so by appending the following arguments to the command: --rev/--tag/--branch
forge soldeer install forge-std~1.9.2 https://github.com/foundry-rs/forge-std.git --rev 4695fac44b2934aaa6d7150e2eaf0256fdc566a7
Updating Dependencies
Because Soldeer specifies the dependencies in a config file (foundry or soldeer toml), sharing a dependency configuration within the team is much easier.
For example, having this Foundry config file in a git repository, one can pull the repository and then run forge soldeer update
. This command will automatically install all the dependencies specified under the [dependencies]
# Full reference https://github.com/foundry-rs/foundry/tree/master/crates/config
auto_detect_solc = false
bytecode_hash = "none"
fuzz = { runs = 1_000 }
libs = ["dependencies"] # <= This is important to be added
gas_reports = ["*"]
[dependencies] # <= Dependencies will be added under this config
"@openzeppelin-contracts" = { version = "5.0.2" }
"@uniswap-universal-router" = { version = "1.6.0" }
"@prb-math" = { version = "4.0.2" }
forge-std = { version = "1.8.1" }
Removing Dependencies
You can use forge soldeer uninstall DEPENDENCY
Example: forge soldeer uninstall @openzeppelin-contracts
. This will action will remove:
- the config entry
- the
artifacts - the
entry - the
entry (txt or config remapping)
Additionally you can manually remove a dependency by just removing the artifacts: dependency files, config entry, remappings entry.
The remappings are now fully configurable, the config TOML file (foundry.toml) accepts a
field with the following options
# whether soldeer manages remappings
remappings_generate = true
# whether soldeer re-generates all remappings when installing, updating or uninstalling deps
remappings_regenerate = false
# whether to suffix the remapping with the version: `name-a.b.c`
remappings_version = true
# a prefix to add to the remappings ("@" would give `@name`)
remappings_prefix = ""
# where to store the remappings ("txt" for `remappings.txt` or "config" for `foundry.toml`)
# ignored when `soldeer.toml` is used as config (uses `remappings.txt`)
remappings_location = "txt"
Installing dependencies of dependencies aka sub-dependencies
Whenever you install a dependency, that dependency might have other dependencies that need to be installed as well. Currently, you can handle this by either specifying the recursive_deps
field as a configuration entry in the config file or by passing the --recursive-deps
argument when running the install or update command. This will ensure that all necessary sub-dependencies are automatically pulled in.
recursive_deps = true
Pushing a New Version to the Central Repository
Soldeer acts like npmjs/crates.io, encouraging all developers to publish their projects to the central repository.
To do that, you have to go to soldeer.xyz, create an account, verify it, then
Just add a new project
After the project is created, you can go into your project source and:
- Create a
file that acts as a.gitignore
to exclude files that aren’t needed. The.gitignore
file is also respected. - Run
forge soldeer login
to log into your account. - Run
forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0
in your terminal in the directory that you want to push to the central repository associated with the projectmy-project
at version1.0.0
If you want to push a specific directory and not the current directory your terminal is in, you can use forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 /path/to/directory
Warning ⚠️
You are at risk to push sensitive files to the central repository that then can be seen by everyone. Make sure to exclude sensitive files in the .soldeerignore
Furthermore, we’ve implemented a warning that it will be triggered if you try to push a project that contains any .dot
If you want to skip this warning, you can just use
forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 --skip-warnings
In case you want to simulate what would happen if you push a version, you can use the --dry-run
flag. This will create a zip file that you can inspect before pushing it to the central repository.
forge soldeer push my-project~1.0.0 --dry-run
Login Data
By default, Soldeer saves the login token in the ~/.soldeer/.soldeer_login
file, which is used to push files to the central repository. If you prefer to save the token in a different location, you can set the environment variable SOLDEER_LOGIN_FILE
Warning ⚠️
- Once a project is created, it cannot be deleted.
- Once a version is pushed, it cannot be deleted.
- You cannot push the same version twice.
- The project name in the command that you run in the terminal must match the project name that you created on the Soldeer website.
- We encourage everyone to use version pinning when importing them into the contracts, this will help with securing your code by knowing exactly what version of a dependency you are using. Furthermore, it will help security researchers in their work.
- Make sure you delete this zip file before pushing the version if you run dry-run. e.g. instead of using
import '@openzeppelin-contracts/token/ERC20.sol'
you should doimport '@openzeppelin-contracts-5.0.2/token/ERC20.sol'
What happens if a certain package is not present in the central repository?
- If a certain package is not present in the central repository, you can open an issue in the Soldeer Repository and the team will look into adding it.
- If you have a package that you want to use and it is not present in the central repository, you can push it to the central repository by following the steps above.
Project Layout
Forge is flexible on how you structure your project. By default, the structure is:
├── foundry.toml
├── lib
│ └── forge-std
│ ├── foundry.toml
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── scripts
│ ├── src
│ └── test
├── README.md
├── script
│ └── Counter.s.sol
├── src
│ └── Counter.sol
└── test
└── Counter.t.sol
8 directories, 10 files
- You can configure Foundry’s behavior using
. - Remappings are specified in
. - The default directory for contracts is
. - The default directory for tests is
, where any contract with a function that starts withtest
is considered to be a test. - Dependencies are stored as git submodules in
You can configure where Forge looks for both dependencies and contracts using the --lib-paths
and --contracts
flags respectively. Alternatively you can configure it in foundry.toml
Combined with remappings, this gives you the flexibility needed to support the project structure of other toolchains such as Hardhat and Truffle.
For automatic Hardhat support you can also pass the --hh
flag, which sets the following flags: --lib-paths node_modules --contracts contracts
ZKSync Specifics
Execution Overview
A forge test begins its execution on the EVM, hence the need to compile solc
During test execution, the test can switchover to ZKsync context in multiple ways.
The following operations are performed during the switchover:
- All
storages are migrated to ZKsync storage. - Any EVM bytecode deployed under the migrated account is replaced by its
variant. - Solidity globals such as
on the test level (which executes in EVM context) return ZKsync values. - The original EVM context (block environment) is preserved for a switch back from the ZKsync context.
Switching to ZKsync
Switching over to ZKsync context can be achieved in the following ways:
CLI Flags
In general, the shorthand --zksync
flag compiles the sources for zksolc
and does the switchover to ZKsync context on test execution. The flag is a shorthand alias for enabling the following flags:
- performs ZKsync switchover on test startup--zk-compile
- compiles the sources forzksolc
If during test execution, forking cheatcodes such as vm.selectFork
or vm.createSelectFork
are used to fork over to a ZKsync network, the execution switches to ZKsync context. The rpc endpoint is tested for zks_L1ChainId
method, and if it exists, the rpc url is deemed to be a ZKsync-compatible endpoint.
Similarly, if the selected fork url is not a ZKsync endpoint, then the test execution is set to EVM context.
Cheatcode Override
A custom cheatcode vm.zkVm
is provided to switch the test execution to ZKsync mode manually. Passing a value of true
enables ZKsync mode, whereas false
switches it back to EVM mode.
ℹ️ Note
is equivalent to havingvm.zkVm(true)
as the first statement in a test.
ZKSync mode
When a test is running in ZKsync mode, any CREATE
instructions that are encountered within the scope of the test (which runs on EVM) are intercepted and simulated in zkEVM. For example, in the following scenario:
contract MyContract {
function getNumber() public returns (uint256) {
return 42;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
vm.roll(10); // EVM
vm.assertEq(10, block.number); // EVM
MyContract testContract = new MyContract(); // zkEVM
uint256 number = testContract.getNumber(); // zkEVM
vm.assertEq(42, number); // EVM
Upon running testFoo()
with --zksync
, it is initially run in Foundry’s EVM context. However, due to the presence of --zksync
flag, the storage switchover to ZKsync context is performed immediately upon its execution.
The cheatcode vm.roll(10)
is then intercepted within EVM, as are all cheatcodes, but the operation is applied on ZKsync storage. Similarly, the statement block.number
also returns the ZKsync storage value.
Once we encounter new BlockEnv()
which is a CREATE
operation, we intercept this within the EVM, and execute it on the zkEVM instead, returning the result. Similarly, blockEnv.getBlockNumber()
, which is a CALL
operation, is executed on the zkEVM, and the result (here: 42
) is stored in the variable.
It is to be noted that any nested instructions from the above calls will always be executed within the zkEVM, since the parent CREATE
were dispatched to the zkEVM.
ℹ️ Note
operations are executed on the zkEVM from the test scope. However, once they are dispatched to zkEVM, any internal code will always be executed in zkEVM, where we do not support cheatcodes. There can not be any references tovm
within the code that is executed in zkEVM. This is undefined behavior.
Compilation Overview
zksolc is the compiler used by ZKsync to convert solidity code to zkEVM-compatible bytecode. It uses the same input format as solc but the output bytecodes and their respective hashes. Internally it uses a custom-compiled solc
Dual Compilation
To allow switching back and forth between EVM and zkEVM as defined in the Execution Overview, we compile the same contract with solc
and zksolc
. This dual-compiled contract can then be freely translated between both environments as needed. As such every contract in Foundry ZKsync always has two bytecodes attached - EVM bytecode and zkEVM bytecode, which are not equivalent.
Configuration Overview
Foundry-ZKsync adds additional configuration options that can be specified in the foundry.toml
These include the following:
In the process of migrating contracts written for EVM to work on zkEVM, notable changes are necessary. These changes are primarily due to the fundamental incompatibility between EVM and zkEVM and as such cannot be ignored or circumvented in anyway. These constraints are usually enforced by the zkEVM’s bootloader, and can lead to panics if ignored.
Here we enlist the common limitations and their mitigation strategies, if any.
General Limitations
These limitations apply at all times when working within the ZKsync context.
Reserved Address Range
On zkEVM, address in the range [0..2^16-1] are reserved for kernel space. As such using these addresses, even for mocking, within a test may lead to undefined behavior.
It is therefor recommended, to start the user address range from 65536
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
address(0), // invalid
address(65536), // valid
Additionally during fuzz-testing, these addresses must be ignored. This can be done via either vm.assume(address(value) >= 65536)
assertion, or by settings no_zksync_reserved_addresses = true
in fuzz configuration.
Origin Address
While foundry allows mocking the tx.origin
address as normal, zkEVM will fail all calls to it. As such the following code with not work:
library IFooBar {
function number() return (uint8);
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
address target = tx.origin;
address(target), // invalid
IFooBar(target).number() // will fail
Bytecode Constraints
zkEVM asserts a bytecode to be valid if it satisfies the following constraints:
- Has its length in bytes divisible by 32 (i.e. 32-byte words).
- Has a length of less than 2^16 words.
- Has an odd length in words.
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
// invalid, word-size of 1 byte
vm.etch(address(65536), hex"00");
// invalid, even number of words
// valid, 32-byte word, odd number of words
Bytecode Hash
Bytecode hashes output by zksolc are fundamentally different from the hash obtained via solc. The most glaring difference is the first (most-significant) byte denotes the version of the format, which at present is 1
. This leads to all zksolc bytecode hashes to begin with 1
, whereas solc bytecodes are merely the keccak hash of the bytecode.
Any code making assumptions about bytecode hashes around EVM-scope, would need to be migrated to accommodate for ZKsync’s bytecode hashes.
Address Derivation
zkEVM uses a different CREATE and CREATE2 address derivation strategy compared to EVM. This can lead to issues for tests that have the CREATE2 addresses hard-coded for EVM. These tests would therefore need to be updated to reflect the ZKsync derived addresses.
function create2Address(sender: Address, bytecodeHash: BytesLike, salt: BytesLike, input: BytesLike) {
const prefix = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes("zksyncCreate2"));
const inputHash = ethers.utils.keccak256(input);
const addressBytes = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.concat([prefix, ethers.utils.zeroPad(sender, 32), salt, bytecodeHash, inputHash])).slice(26);
return ethers.utils.getAddress(addressBytes);
function createAddress(sender: Address, senderNonce: BigNumberish) {
const prefix = ethers.utils.keccak256(ethers.utils.toUtf8Bytes("zksyncCreate"));
const addressBytes = ethers.utils
.keccak256(ethers.utils.concat([prefix, ethers.utils.zeroPad(sender, 32), ethers.utils.zeroPad(ethers.utils.hexlify(senderNonce), 32)]))
return ethers.utils.getAddress(addressBytes);
Accessing Contract Bytecode and Hash
zkEVM does not allow obtaining bytecodes from address.code
or computing their respective hashes, which will be raised as an error during compilation. This is particularly useful when computing CREATE2 addresses.
To circumvent this limitation, it is recommended to use the FFI functionality of cheatcodes:
contract Calculator {
function add(uint8 a, uint8 b) return (uint8) {
return a+b;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
string memory artifact = vm.readFile(
bytes32 bytecodeHash = vm.parseJsonBytes32(artifact, ".hash");
bytes32 salt = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001;
ISystemContractDeployer deployer = ISystemContractDeployer(
address addr = deployer.getNewAddressCreate2(
Note, that this requires adding read permissions in foundry.toml
fs_permissions = [{ access = "read", path = "./zkout/FooTest.sol/Calculator.json"}]
Compilation Limitations
These limitations apply to zksolc
compilation of source contracts.
Contract Bytecode Access
Contract bytecode cannot be accessed on zkEVM architecture, therefore EXTCODECOPY always produces a compile-time error with zksolc. As such using address(..).code
in a solidity contract will produce a compile-time error.
contract FooBar {
function number() return (uint8) {
return 10;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
FooBar target = new FooBar();
address(target).code; // will fail at compile-time
See here on how to circumvent this issue.
Contract Size Limit
currently limits the number of instructions to 2^16 that are compiled for a contract. As such for large contracts, the compilation will fail with the error:
Error: assembly-to-bytecode conversion: assembly parse error Label DEFAULT_UNWIND was tried to be used
for either PC or constant at offset 65947 that is more than 65535 addressable space
There are three possible solutions to address this issue:
Compilation with
:You can attempt to compile the contract using ZKsync’s EVM legacy architecture by adding the
flag. This can sometimes bypass the contract size limit by compiling in a different mode.Example command:
forge build --zk-force-evmla=true --zksync
Compilation with
:If the contract size still exceeds the limit, try compiling with optimization level
by using the--zk-fallback-oz=true
flag. This tells the compiler to fall back to-Oz
optimization when the bytecode is too large, potentially reducing the contract size further.Example command:
forge build --zk-fallback-oz=true --zksync
Split the Contract into Smaller Units
If neither of the above flags resolves the issue, the contract must be refactored into smaller, modular contracts. This involves separating your logic into different contracts and using contract inheritance or external contract calls to maintain functionality.
Before (single large contract):
contract LargeContract { function largeFunction1() public { /* complex logic */ } function largeFunction2() public { /* complex logic */ } // Additional large functions and state variables... }
After (multiple smaller contracts):
contract ContractPart1 { function part1Function() public { /* logic from largeFunction1 */ } } contract ContractPart2 { function part2Function() public { /* logic from largeFunction2 */ } } contract MainContract is ContractPart1, ContractPart2 { // Logic to combine the functionalities of both parts }
Non inlinable libraries
Compiling contracts without linking non-inlinable libraries is currently not supported. Libraries need to be deployed before building contracts using them.
When building the contracts, the addresses need to be passed using the libraries
config which contains a list of CONTRACT_PATH
on foundry.toml
libraries = [
as a cli
forge build --zksync --libraries src/MyLibrary.sol:MyLibrary:0xfD88CeE74f7D78697775aBDAE53f9Da1559728E4
For more information please refer to official docs.
Listing missing libraries
To scan missing non-inlinable libraries, you can build the project using the --zk-detect-missing-libraries
flag. This will give a list of the libraries that need to be deployed and their addresses provided via the libraries
option for the contracts to compile. Metadata about the libraries will be saved in .zksolc-libraries-cache/missing_library_dependencies.json
Broadcast Limitations
These limitations apply when using cast
to broadcast transactions.
No Batch Support
Batching is currently not supported on ZKsync networks, as such, any batched transactions may not be executed in order. This can often lead to failures as in the following case:
contract Calculator {
function add(uint8 a, uint8 b) return (uint8) {
return a+b;
contract FooScript is Script {
function run() public {
Calculator calc = new Calculator(); // tx1
uint8 sum = calc.add(1, 2); // tx2
vm.assertEqual(3, sum);
forge script script/FooTest.s.sol:FooScript ... --zksync --rpc-url https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev --broadcast
Here the recorded transactions tx1
and tx2
would be batched as a single transaction with appropriate nonces. However, upon broadcasting to a ZKsync network, tx2
may be executed before tx1
which would cause a revert.
To circumvent this, the --slow
flag may be used to sequentially send the transactions to the rpc endpoint, which keeps them in-order.
forge script script/FooTest.s.sol:FooScript ... --zksync --rpc-url https://sepolia.era.zksync.dev --broadcast --slow
Emitted Events
zkEVM in addition to user events, emits its own system events, like Transfer
, Withdrawl
, ContractCreated
, etc. These events are not printed as part of traces, as currently it’s not trivial to match emitted events with zkEVM traces.
These system events can be observed via setting the RUST_LOG
env variable:
RUST_LOG=foundry_zksync_core::vm::inspect=info,era_test_node::formatter=info forge test --zksync
==== 2 events
EthToken System Contract
Data (Hex): 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003dfd24000000000
Issues with expectEmit
This can often come as a surprise to users, who have the following test structure in place:
contract Number {
uint256 accesses;
function one() public returns (uint8) {
return 1;
function two() public returns (uint8) {
return 2;
function three() public returns (uint8) {
return 3;
contract Calculator {
event Added(uint8 indexed sum);
function add(uint8 a, uint8 b) public returns (uint8) {
uint8 sum = a + b;
emit Added(sum);
return sum;
contract FooTest is Test {
event Added(uint8 indexed sum);
function testFoo() public {
Number num = new Number();
// We emit the event we expect to see.
emit Added(num.three()); // num.three() will emit zkEVM events
Calculator calc = new Calculator();
calc.add(num.one(), num.two());
This test would currently fail as the non-static call to num.three()
when setting up vm.expectEmit()
If run with RUST_LOG
enabled as specified above, the following output will be observed:
Cycles Used: 6703
Computation Gas Used: 106816
Contracts Used: 26
=== Console Logs:
=== Calls:
Call(Normal) Account Code Storage 4de2e468 4227857424
Call(Normal) System context 02fa5779 4227853014
Call(Normal) Bootloader utilities ebe4a3d7 4227834933
Call(Normal) 0x1804c8ab1f12e6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38 202bcce7 78705333
Call(Normal) Nonce Holder e1239cd8 77474754
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 9cc7f708 77468328
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 76257342
Call(Normal) Nonce Holder 6ee1dc20 78694182
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 77464044
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 9cc7f708 78692796
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 77462658
Call(Normal) 0x1804c8ab1f12e6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38 e2f318e3 78691095
Call(Normal) Msg Value System Contract 0x 77460741
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 579952fc 76249719
Call(Normal) Event writer 00000000 75052593
Call(Mimic) bootloader 0x 76243293
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 9cc7f708 78682086
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 77452137
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 579952fc 78680889
Call(Normal) Event writer 00000000 77449239
Call(Normal) Known code storage e516761e 78656571
Call(Normal) Account Code Storage 4de2e468 78654114
Call(Normal) System context a851ae78 78653421
Call(Normal) 0x1804c8ab1f12e6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38 df9c1589 78652161
Call(Normal) 0xf9e9ba9ed9b96ab918c74b21dd0f1d5f2ac38a30 45caa117 77422023
Call(Normal) System context a851ae78 4227757947
==== 3 events
EthToken System Contract
Data (Hex): 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003dfd24000000000
EthToken System Contract
Data (Hex): 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003dfd24000000000
EthToken System Contract
Data (String):
zk vm decoded result 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003
Here we observe that 3 events were emitted when we called num.three()
in zkEVM. These correspond to the Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
event, which denotes change of L2 ETH. As a result the vm.expectEmit
will register the first event emitted, and try to match the next two events, which will fail and so will the test with:
[FAIL. Reason: log != expected log] testFoo() (gas: 35515)
[35515] 0x7FA9385bE102ac3EAc297483Dd6233D62b3e1496::testFoo()
├─ [0] → new <unknown>@0xF9E9ba9Ed9B96AB918c74B21dD0f1D5f2ac38a30
│ └─ ← [Return] 32 bytes of code
├─ [0] VM::expectEmit()
│ └─ ← [Return]
├─ [0] 0xF9E9ba9Ed9B96AB918c74B21dD0f1D5f2ac38a30::three()
│ └─ ← [Return] 3
└─ ← [Revert] log != expected log
To avoid such a scenario, it’s recommended to explicitly emit the events for expectEmit
, with hard-coded values.
Trace Limitations
zkEVM traces are attached to the EVM traces that are printed with -vvvv
- The events emitted from within the zkEVM will not show on traces. See events in zkEVM.
- The system call traces from within the zkEVM’s bootloader are currently ignored in order to simplify the trace output.
- Executing each
in its own zkEVM has additional bootloader gas costs, which may sometimes not be accounted in the traces. The ignored bootloader system calls, have a heuristic in-place to sum up their gas usage to the nearest non-system parent call, but this may also not add up accurately.
These system traces can be observed via setting the RUST_LOG
env variable:
RUST_LOG=foundry_zksync_core::vm::inspect=info,era_test_node::formatter=info forge test --zksync
Cycles Used: 6703
Computation Gas Used: 106816
Contracts Used: 26
=== Console Logs:
=== Calls:
Call(Normal) Account Code Storage 4de2e468 4227857424
Call(Normal) System context 02fa5779 4227853014
Call(Normal) Bootloader utilities ebe4a3d7 4227834933
Call(Normal) 0x1804c8ab1f12e6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38 202bcce7 78705333
Call(Normal) Nonce Holder e1239cd8 77474754
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 9cc7f708 77468328
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 76257342
Call(Normal) Nonce Holder 6ee1dc20 78694182
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 77464044
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 9cc7f708 78692796
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 77462658
Call(Normal) 0x1804c8ab1f12e6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38 e2f318e3 78691095
Call(Normal) Msg Value System Contract 0x 77460741
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 579952fc 76249719
Call(Normal) Event writer 00000000 75052593
Call(Mimic) bootloader 0x 76243293
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 9cc7f708 78682086
Call(Normal) Keccak 00000000 77452137
Call(Normal) EthToken System Contract 579952fc 78680889
Call(Normal) Event writer 00000000 77449239
Call(Normal) Known code storage e516761e 78656571
Call(Normal) Account Code Storage 4de2e468 78654114
Call(Normal) System context a851ae78 78653421
Call(Normal) 0x1804c8ab1f12e6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38 df9c1589 78652161
Call(Normal) 0xf9e9ba9ed9b96ab918c74b21dd0f1d5f2ac38a30 45caa117 77422023
Call(Normal) System context a851ae78 4227757947
Combined Traces
Foundry ZKsync will combine the traces from within the zkEVM into the EVM traces, that foundry displays. Running the following test with forge test --zksync -vvvv
, yields the displayed trace:
contract InnerNumber {
event Value(uint8);
function innerFive() public returns (uint8) {
emit Value(5);
return 5;
contract Number {
function five() public returns (uint8) {
InnerNumber num = new InnerNumber();
return num.innerFive();
contract Adder {
function add() public returns (uint8) {
Number num = new Number();
return num.five() + num.five();
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo() public {
Adder adder = new Adder();
uint8 value = adder.add();
assert(value == 10);
[PASS] testFoo() (gas: 35807)
[35807] ZkTraceTest::testZkTraceOutputDuringCall()
├─ [0] → new Adder@0xF9E9ba9Ed9B96AB918c74B21dD0f1D5f2ac38a30
│ └─ ← [Return] 2976 bytes of code
├─ [0] Adder::add()
│ ├─ [127] → new Number@0xf232f12E115391c535FD519B00efADf042fc8Be5
│ │ └─ ← [Return] 2272 bytes of code
│ ├─ [91190] Number::five()
│ │ ├─ [91] → new InnerNumber@0xEd570f3F91621894E001DF0fB70BfbD123D3c8AD
│ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 736 bytes of code
│ │ ├─ [889] InnerNumber::innerFive()
│ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 5
│ │ └─ ← [Return] 5
│ ├─ [74776] Number::five()
│ │ ├─ [91] → new InnerNumber@0xAbceAEaC3d3a2ac3Dcffd7A60Ca00A3fAC9490cA
│ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 736 bytes of code
│ │ ├─ [889] InnerNumber::innerFive()
│ │ │ └─ ← [Return] 5
│ │ └─ ← [Return] 5
│ └─ ← [Return] 10
├─ [0] console::log(10) [staticcall]
│ └─ ← [Stop]
└─ ← [Stop]
Cheatcode Limitations
As outlined in the Execution Overview, due to the nature of how transactions are executed in zkEVM, cheatcode support is limited to the root level of an executing test. That is, all cheatcode access must happen outside of any CREATE
that is dispatched to the zkEVM.
Therefore, the following are valid cheatcode accesses:
contract MyContract {
function getNumber() public returns (uint256) {
return 42;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo_1() public {
vm.roll(10); // valid
vm.assertEq(10, block.number);
function testFoo_2() public {
vm.roll(10); // valid
new MyContract();
function testFoo_3() public {
vm.roll(10); // valid
MyContract testContract = new MyContract();
And consequently, since libraries do not lead to a CREATE
or a CALL
, they can be used with cheatcodes:
library MyLibrary {
function setBlockNumber(value uint256) public {
vm.roll(value); // valid
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo_1() public {
vm.roll(10); // valid
vm.assertEq(10, block.number);
vm.assertEq(10, block.number);
However, the following situations will lead to undefined behavior (or not work at all), as the cheatcodes are not supported within the zkEVM:
contract MyContract {
constructor() {
vm.roll(20); // invalid
function getNumber() public returns (uint256) {
vm.roll(20); // invalid
return 42;
contract FooTest is Test {
function testFoo_1() public {
vm.roll(10); // valid
MyContract testContract = new MyContract();
Forge-ZKsync Standard Library
`forge-std` exports the most common constructs that allow users to write tests. However, in Foundry ZKsync, we’ve added some new additions in the form of cheatcodes (or anything we deem useful in the future). To allow users to access these interfaces, `forge-zksync-std` is provided as an add-on to `forge-std`.Installation
forge install Moonsong-Labs/forge-zksync-std
In the absence of forge-zksync-std
, the new cheatcodes are only accessible via low-level calls:
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract FooTest is Test {
function testZkTraceOutputDuringCreate() public {
vm.startPrank(address(65536)); // normal foundry cheatcodes
new Contract1();
(bool success,) = address(vm).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("zkVmSkip()")); // additional foundry-zksync cheatcodes
require(success, "zkVmSkip() call failed");
new Contract2();
However with the TextExt
interface, the new cheatcodes can be accessed via vmExt
property directly. The usual foundry cheatcodes are still available under the vm
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {TestExt} from "forge-zksync-std/TestExt.sol";
contract FooTest is Test, TestExt {
function testZkTraceOutputDuringCreate() public {
vm.startPrank(address(65536)); // normal foundry cheatcodes
new Contract1();
vmExt.zkVmSkip(); // additional foundry-zksync cheatcodes
new Contract2();
This approach ensures that the existing tests need not be modified to use a completely different package than foundry/forge-std
yet still allow for the additional ZKsync functionality to be included when necessary.
Additional Cheatcodes
In addition to the existing Cheatcodes, there are additional cheatcodes to help within the ZKsync context.
Cheatcodes Interface
This is the extended Solidity interface for all ZKsync specific cheatcodes present in Forge.
interface CheatCodesExt {
/// Registers bytecodes for ZK-VM for transact/call and create instructions.
function zkRegisterContract(
string calldata name,
bytes32 evmBytecodeHash,
bytes calldata evmDeployedBytecode,
bytes calldata evmBytecode,
bytes32 zkBytecodeHash,
bytes calldata zkDeployedBytecode
) external pure;
/// Enables/Disables use ZK-VM usage for transact/call and create instructions.
function zkVm(bool enable) external pure;
/// When running in zkEVM context, skips the next CREATE or CALL, executing it on the EVM instead.
/// All `CREATE`s executed within this skip, will automatically have `CALL`s to their target addresses
/// executed in the EVM, and need not be marked with this cheatcode at every usage location.
function zkVmSkip() external pure;
/// Enables the use of a paymaster for the next transaction.
function zkUsePaymaster(address paymaster, bytes calldata paymaster_input) external pure;
Refer to the forge-zksync-std section on how to access these cheatcodes in your tests.
function zkRegisterContract(
string calldata name,
bytes32 evmBytecodeHash,
bytes calldata evmDeployedBytecode,
bytes calldata evmBytecode,
bytes32 zkBytecodeHash,
bytes calldata zkDeployedBytecode
) external pure;
Registers bytecodes for ZK-VM for transact/call and create instructions.
This is especially useful if there are certain contracts already deployed on-chain (EVM or ZKsync). Since we compile with both solc
and zksolc
as defined in the Dual Compilation section, if there’s an already existing EVM bytecode that must be translated into its zkEVM counterpart, we need to define it with this cheatcode.
Such an operation must be carried out separately where the source of the pre-deployed contract must be obtained and compiled with zksolc. The artifact json will contain the zkBytecodeHash
and zkDeployedBytecode
parameters. The process is similar for obtaining EVM parameters with solc
- evmBytecodeHash
, evmDeployedBytecode
, evmBytecode
The name
parameter must be unique if possible and not clash with locally existing contracts.
// LeetContract is pre-deployed on EVM on address(65536)
/// interface ILeetContract {
/// function leet() public {
/// // do something
/// }
/// }
ILeetContract(address(65536)).leet(); // fails, as the contract was not found locally so not migrated to zkEVM
vmExt.zkRegisterContract("LeetContract", 0x111.., 0x222.., 0x333..., 0x444..., 0x555...); // register LeetContract for migration
ILeetContract(address(65536)).leet(); // succeeds, as the contract was registered via cheatcode, so migrated to zkEVM
function zkVm(bool enable) external pure;
Enables/Disables ZKsync context for transact/call and create instructions within a test or script execution.
Switching VMs is a intensive process that translates the entire storage back-and-forth between EVM and zkEVM, and as such must be used sparingly in a test to switch between contexts.
See Execution Overview for further details.
See zkVmSkip for a one-off and much simpler operation.
/// contract LeetContract {
/// constructor(uint8 value) public {
/// // do something
/// }
/// }
new LeetContract(1); // deployed in zkEVM
new LeetContract(2); // deployed in zkEVM
new LeetContract(3); // deployed in EVM
new LeetContract(4); // deployed in EVM
function zkVmSkip() external pure;
When running in zkEVM context, skips the next CREATE or CALL, executing it on the EVM instead.
s executed within this skip, will automatically have CALL
s to their target addresses
executed in the EVM, and need not be marked with this cheatcode at every usage location.
Skipping the next operation in zkEVM does not involve migrating storages as is done for zkVm cheatcode.
/// contract LeetContract {
/// constructor(uint8 value) public {
/// // do something
/// }
/// }
new LeetContract(1); // deployed in zkEVM
new LeetContract(2); // deployed in EVM
new LeetContract(3); // deployed in zkEVM
Any contract deployed within a skip is remembered as such, so adding zkVmSkip
to all of its calls is not necessary:
/// contract LeetContract {
/// constructor(uint8 value) public {
/// // do something
/// }
/// function sayLeet() public {
/// // do something
/// }
/// }
contract FooTest is Test, TestExt {
LeetContract leet1;
LeetContract leet2;
function setUp() public {
leet1 = new LeetContract(1); // deployed in zkEVM
leet2 = new LeetContract(2); // deployed in EVM
function testAutomaticLeetDetection() public {
leet1.sayLeet(); // executed in zkEVM
leet2.sayLeet(); // automatically executed in EVM
function testManualLeetDetection() public {
leet1.sayLeet(); // executed in zkEVM
vmExt.zkVmSkip(); // redundant here, as it is
leet2.sayLeet(); // automatically executed in EVM
function zkUsePaymaster(address paymaster, bytes calldata input) external pure;
This cheatcode enables the use of a paymaster for the next transaction in the contract. The parameters specify the address of the paymaster and the pre-encoded data to be passed to the paymaster. The paymaster should be deployed before using this cheatcode.
MyPaymaster paymaster = new MyPaymaster();
// Encode paymaster input
bytes memory paymaster_encoded_input = abi.encodeWithSelector(
vm.zkUsePaymaster(address(paymaster), paymaster_encoded_input);
The paymaster flow depends on the type of paymaster used. Here’s an example of the simplest usage of a ‘general’ paymaster in Foundry:
- Write a custom paymaster:
contract MyPaymaster is IPaymaster {
modifier onlyBootloader() {
require(msg.sender == BOOTLOADER_FORMAL_ADDRESS, "Only bootloader can call this method");
constructor() payable {}
function validateAndPayForPaymasterTransaction(bytes32, bytes32, Transaction calldata _transaction)
returns (bytes4 magic, bytes memory context)
// Always accept the transaction
// Pay for the transaction fee
uint256 requiredETH = _transaction.gasLimit * _transaction.maxFeePerGas;
(bool success,) = payable(BOOTLOADER_FORMAL_ADDRESS).call{value: requiredETH}("");
require(success, "Failed to transfer tx fee to the bootloader");
function postTransaction(
bytes calldata _context,
Transaction calldata _transaction,
ExecutionResult _txResult,
uint256 _maxRefundedGas
) external payable override onlyBootloader {}
receive() external payable {}
- Deploy the paymaster:
You can deploy the paymaster either in a test or script:
MyPaymaster paymaster = new MyPaymaster();
Or using the forge create
forge create ./src/MyPaymaster.sol:MyPaymaster --rpc-url {RPC_URL} --private-key {PRIVATE_KEY} --zksync
- Use the cheatcode to set the paymaster for the next transaction:
vm.zkUsePaymaster(address(paymaster), abi.encodeWithSelector(
For more examples, see the Foundry ZkSync Paymaster Tests.
Also, see the ZKsync Paymaster Documentation for more information.
Gas Overview
Gas reported back to the EVM
Foundry has an isolate
mode for the EVM where all CALL
operations at the root level of a test (i.e: with depth 1) will be intercepted and treated as independent transactions. This allows for accounting of the actual transaction gas and include for example the fixed 21000 gas cost charged to the user.
Running in zkEVM mode is anologous to running in isolate
mode but using the zkEVM instead. Every CALL
will be intercepted, a transaction representing the operation built, and finally a VM with that transaction in the bootloader’s heap will be spawned and run in order to simulate the execution of that transaction. The gas used reported back to the EVM, and hence the one seen on traces and gas-reports, is what would be charged to the user for submitting that transaction. That value differs from the computational cost of running the called contract code and includes:
- Intrinsic costs: Overhead charged on each transaction.
- Validation costs: Gas spent on transaction validation. May vary depending on the account making the transaction. See Account Abstraction docs.
- Execution costs: Gas spent on marking factory deps and executing the transaction.
- Pubdata costs: Gas spent on publishing pubdata, is influenced by the
network value.
More info about ZKSync Era’s fee model can be found here.
Transaction/Network values that impact gas cost
The gas cost mentioned above is influenced by transaction and network values. The values are set when running the VM in the following way:
- Transaction Params:
: will be gas price of the root evm transaction (e.g: when running tests, the value of--gas-price
option is used) with a minimum value of0.26GWei
, which is the base fee used in some test environments/networks.gas_limit
: The sender remaining balance capped to a max of2^31 - 1
. Note that, no matter the gas limit, the vm caps how much gas a single transaction can use toMAX_GAS_PER_TRANSACTION
, currently set to80_000_000
- Network Params:
: set to the minumum ofmax_fee_per_gas
and the base fee of the root evm transaction (e.g: when running tests, the value of the--base-fee
: set to the same asfair_l2_gas_price
, with a minimum value of1000
Deriving relevant transaction gas values
From the params above we can get all gas related values used in the transaction:
: Maximum value betweenfair_l2_gas_price
and(fair_pubdata_price / MAX_L2_GAS_PER_PUBDATA)
:fairPubdataPrice / baseFee
are system constants currently set to 17
and 50_000
Foundry-ZKSync Supported Commands
This is a comprehensive review of all the Foundry commands actually supported in the actual stage of development.
🔄 Last update: September 12, 2024
Command | Status | Description |
forge bind | ✅ Supported | Generates type-safe bindings for Solidity contracts, which can be used in other programming languages like Go. |
forge bind-json | ✅ Supported | Similar to forge bind, but generates bindings directly from JSON ABI files. |
forge build | ✅ Supported | Compiles Solidity contracts and generates build artifacts, such as ABI and bytecode files. |
forge clone | ✅ Supported | Clones an existing project from a Git repository, setting up a new Foundry project. |
forge completions | ✅ Supported | Generates shell completion scripts for forge, enhancing command-line usability. |
forge config | ✅ Supported | Displays or modifies the configuration settings for a Foundry project. |
forge create | ✅ Supported | Deploys a Solidity contract to a blockchain network, handling the transaction and deployment process. |
forge doc | ✅ Supported | Generates documentation for Solidity contracts, extracting comments and annotations into a readable format. |
forge flatten | ✅ Supported | Flattens a Solidity contract and its dependencies into a single file, useful for verification or analysis. |
forge coverage | ❌ Not Supported | Runs tests and generates a code coverage report, showing how much of the code is covered by tests. |
forge debug | ❌ Not Supported | Debugs a transaction on a local fork or a live network, allowing you to step through the execution. |
forge cache clean | ✅ Supported | Clears the local cache, removing stored build artifacts and other cached data. |
forge cache ls | ✅ Supported | Lists the contents of the local cache, including build artifacts and other data. |
forge clean | ❌ Not Supported | Removes build artifacts and resets the project’s build state. |
forge eip712 | ✅ Supported | Generates EIP-712 typed data structures for Solidity contracts, used for off-chain signing and verification. |
forge fmt | ✅ Supported | Formats Solidity source code according to a standard style guide, ensuring consistency. |
forge geiger | ✅ Supported | Analyzes a Solidity project for unsafe or potentially insecure code patterns, helping to improve security. |
forge generate | ✅ Supported | Automatically generates Solidity code or tests based on specified templates or patterns. |
forge generate test | ✅ Supported | Generates boilerplate test files for Solidity contracts, speeding up the testing process. |
forge generate-fig-spec | ✅ Supported | Generates a Fig spec for Forge, which can be used to create command-line autocomplete functionality. |
forge init | ✅ Supported | Initializes a new Foundry project, creating the necessary directories and configuration files. |
forge inspect | ❌ Not Supported | Inspects the details of a Solidity contract, such as ABI, bytecode, and other metadata. |
forge install | ✅ Supported | Installs dependencies from the Foundry package manager, adding them to the project. |
forge remappings | ✅ Supported | Manages remappings for Solidity imports, allowing for custom paths or package names. |
forge remove | ✅ Supported | Removes a dependency from the project, cleaning up any related files or configuration. |
forge script | ✅ Supported | Executes Solidity scripts, which can be used for tasks like deploying contracts or interacting with the blockchain. |
forge selectors | ✅ Supported | Extracts and manages function selectors from Solidity contracts, used for interacting with contracts. |
forge selectors collision | ✅ Supported | Detects and reports any selector collisions in Solidity contracts, preventing potential conflicts. |
forge selectors upload | ✅ Supported | Uploads function selectors to a specified registry, making them available for use in other projects. |
forge selectors list | ✅ Supported | Lists all function selectors in a Solidity contract, providing an overview of its interface. |
forge snapshot | ✅ Supported | Creates a snapshot of the current state of tests, which can be used to check for regressions. |
forge soldeer install | ✅ Supported | Installs a specific version of Soldeer, ensuring compatibility with the project. |
forge soldeer update | ✅ Supported | Updates the Soldeer installation to the latest version, applying any necessary patches or improvements. |
forge soldeer login | ✅ Supported | Logs into the Soldeer service, providing authentication for managing dependencies and projects. |
forge soldeer push | ✅ Supported | Pushes changes to a Soldeer project, syncing them with the remote repository or service. |
forge soldeer version-dry-run | ✅ Supported | Tests a version update of Soldeer without actually applying the changes, useful for checking compatibility. |
forge test | ✅ Supported | Runs unit tests for Solidity contracts, with options for gas reporting, fuzzing, and more. |
forge tree | ✅ Supported | Displays the dependency tree of the project, showing how contracts and libraries are interconnected. |
forge update | ✅ Supported | Updates the project’s dependencies to their latest versions, ensuring everything is up-to-date. |
forge verify-bytecode | ❌ Not Supported | Verifies that a deployed contract’s bytecode matches the expected source code, ensuring it hasn’t been tampered with. |
forge verify-check | ❌ Not Supported | Checks the verification status of a contract on a blockchain explorer like Etherscan, confirming that it has been successfully verified. |
forge verify-contract | ✅ Supported | Verifies a deployed contract on Etherscan, ensuring it matches the source code. |
cast 4byte | ✅ Supported | Fetches function signatures from the 4byte.directory by their selector. |
cast 4byte-decode | ✅ Supported | Decodes a given 4-byte selector into its associated function signature. |
cast 4byte-event | ✅ Supported | Fetches event signatures from the 4byte.directory by their selector. |
cast abi-decode | ✅ Supported | Decodes ABI-encoded data into a human-readable format. |
cast abi-encode | ✅ Supported | Encodes data into ABI format for function calls and transactions. |
cast access-list | ❌ Not Supported | Generates an access list for a transaction, which can be used to optimize gas usage. |
cast address-zero | ✅ Supported | Outputs the zero address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000). |
cast admin | ✅ Supported | Returns the admin of a specified proxy contract. |
cast age | ✅ Supported | Calculates the age of a block in seconds. |
cast balance | ✅ Supported | Retrieves the balance of an address in wei or ether. |
cast base-fee | ✅ Supported | Fetches the base fee of the latest block, useful for estimating gas costs. |
cast bind (DEPRECATED) | ✅ Supported | Generates Go bindings for Solidity contracts, similar to forge bind. |
cast block | ✅ Supported | Retrieves detailed information about a specific block on the blockchain. |
cast block-number | ✅ Supported | Returns the current block number of the Ethereum blockchain. |
cast call | ✅ Supported | Executes a read-only (constant) call to a smart contract. |
cast call –create | ❌ Not Supported | Calls a contract and creates a new contract in the same transaction. |
cast calldata | ✅ Supported | Encodes function call data for a contract, which can be used in transactions. |
cast calldata-decode | ✅ Supported | Decodes encoded calldata back into its original arguments. |
cast chain | ❌ Not Supported | Displays information about the current Ethereum chain, including its name and ID. |
cast chain-id | ✅ Supported | Returns the chain ID of the Ethereum network, which is used for transaction signing. |
cast client | ✅ Supported | Fetches information about the connected Ethereum client, such as its version. |
cast code | ✅ Supported | Retrieves the bytecode of a contract deployed at a specific address. |
cast codesize | ✅ Supported | Returns the size of the bytecode at a specific address, in bytes. |
cast completions | ✅ Supported | Generates shell completions for cast, improving command-line usability. |
cast compute-address | ✅ Supported | Computes the Ethereum address for a contract deployed by a specific account. |
cast concat-hex | ✅ Supported | Concatenates multiple hexadecimal values into a single hex string. |
cast create2 | ✅ Supported | Computes the address of a contract deployed using the CREATE2 opcode. |
cast decode-eof | ✅ Supported | Decodes Ethereum Object Format (EOF) bytecode, used in Ethereum contracts. |
cast decode-transaction | ✅ Supported | Decodes the data and parameters of a raw transaction. |
cast disassemble | ❌ Not Supported | Disassembles contract bytecode into readable EVM assembly instructions. |
cast estimate | ❌ Not Supported | Estimates the gas cost of executing a transaction on the blockchain. |
cast estimate –create | ❌ Not Supported | Estimates the gas cost for deploying a contract with a creation transaction. |
cast etherscan-source | ✅ Supported | Fetches and displays the verified source code of a contract from Etherscan. |
cast find-block | ✅ Supported | Finds a block based on a given timestamp, returning the block number. |
cast format-bytes32-string | ✅ Supported | Converts a string into a bytes32 format for Solidity. |
cast from-bin | ✅ Supported | Decodes binary-encoded data into a human-readable format. |
cast from-fixed-point | ✅ Supported | Converts a fixed-point number into a human-readable string. |
cast from-rlp | ✅ Supported | Decodes RLP-encoded data, commonly used in Ethereum transactions. |
cast from-utf8 | ✅ Supported | Converts a UTF-8 string to a hex-encoded representation. |
cast from-wei | ✅ Supported | Converts a value from wei (the smallest unit of ether) to ether. |
cast gas-price | ✅ Supported | Fetches the current gas price on the Ethereum network. |
cast generate-fig-spec | ✅ Supported | Generates a Fig spec for Cast, which can be used for command-line autocomplete functionality. |
cast hash-message (DEPRECATED) | ✅ Supported | Hashes a message using Ethereum’s eth_sign method, preparing it for signing. |
cast hash-zero | ✅ Supported | Returns the hash of an empty string (0x000…000) using Keccak-256. |
cast implementation | ✅ Supported | Returns the implementation address of a specified proxy contract. |
cast index | ❌ Not Supported | Fetches the indexed logs of an event from the blockchain, useful for querying historical data. |
cast index-erc7201 | ✅ Supported | Fetches the logs of an ERC-7201 compliant event from the blockchain |
cast interface | ❌ Not Supported | Generates a Solidity interface from a deployed contract’s ABI. |
cast keccak | ✅ Supported | Computes the Keccak-256 hash of the provided input data. |
cast logs | ✅ Supported | Fetches logs and events from the blockchain, based on specified filters. |
cast lookup-address | ✅ Supported | Fetches the ENS name associated with a given Ethereum address, if any. |
cast max-int | ✅ Supported | Outputs the maximum value for a signed 256-bit integer. |
cast max-uint | ✅ Supported | Outputs the maximum value for an unsigned 256-bit integer. |
cast min-int | ✅ Supported | Outputs the minimum value for a signed 256-bit integer. |
cast mktx | ✅ Supported | Creates a transaction object without sending it, useful for offline signing. |
cast mktx –create | ❌ Not Supported | Creates a transaction that deploys a contract, without sending it. |
cast namehash | ✅ Supported | Computes the ENS namehash for a given domain name. |
cast nonce | ✅ Supported | Retrieves the nonce of an Ethereum address, useful for determining transaction order. |
cast parse-bytes32-address | ✅ Supported | Parses a bytes32 value into an Ethereum address. |
cast parse-bytes32-string | ✅ Supported | Parses a bytes32 value into a human-readable string. |
cast pretty-calldata | ✅ Supported | Formats calldata in a human-readable manner. |
cast proof | ❌ Not Supported | Retrieves and displays a Merkle proof for a specific storage slot or account. |
cast publish | ✅ Supported | Publishes a smart contract’s ABI to Etherscan. |
cast receipt | ✅ Supported | Fetches and displays the receipt of a transaction, including gas used and status. |
cast resolve-name | ✅ Supported | Resolves an ENS name to its associated Ethereum address. |
cast rpc | ✅ Supported | Sends a raw JSON-RPC request to an Ethereum node, allowing low-level interaction. |
cast run | ❌ Not Supported | Runs a script file, such as a .js or .ts file, with access to Cast functions. |
cast selectors | ❌ Not Supported | Fetches the function selectors for a given contract or ABI. |
cast send | ✅ Supported | Sends a transaction to the blockchain, including smart contract interactions. |
cast send –create | ❌ Not Supported | Sends a transaction that creates a new contract on the blockchain. |
cast shl | ✅ Supported | Performs a bitwise left shift on the provided input. |
cast shr | ✅ Supported | Performs a bitwise right shift on the provided input. |
cast sig | ✅ Supported | Outputs the Keccak-256 hash of a function signature. |
cast sig-event | ✅ Supported | Outputs the Keccak-256 hash of an event signature. |
cast storage | ✅ Supported | Fetches and displays the raw storage value of a contract at a specific slot. |
cast to-ascii | ✅ Supported | Converts a hexadecimal string to an ASCII string. |
cast to-base | ✅ Supported | Converts a number to a different base (e.g., from decimal to hexadecimal). |
cast to-bytes32 | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to a bytes32 format. |
cast to-check-sum-address | ✅ Supported | Converts an Ethereum address to a checksummed format, which includes capital letters for error detection. |
cast to-dec | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to a decimal number. |
cast to-fixed-point | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to a fixed-point number representation. |
cast to-hex | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to a hexadecimal format. |
cast to-hexdata | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to hex-encoded binary data. |
cast to-int256 | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to a signed 256-bit integer. |
cast to-rlp | ✅ Supported | Encodes input data in Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) format. |
cast to-uint256 | ✅ Supported | Converts input data to an unsigned 256-bit integer. |
cast to-unit | ✅ Supported | Converts ether or wei into different units, like gwei or finney. |
cast to-utf8 | ✅ Supported | Converts a hexadecimal string to a UTF-8 encoded string. |
cast to-wei | ✅ Supported | Converts ether or other units into wei, the smallest unit of ether. |
cast tx | ✅ Supported | Fetches and displays details of a specific Ethereum transaction. |
cast upload-signature | ✅ Supported | Uploads a function or event signature to the 4byte.directory. |
cast wallet | ✅ Supported | A suite of wallet-related commands, allowing you to manage Ethereum wallets, create new ones, sign transactions, and more. |
cast wallet new | ✅ Supported | Generates a new Ethereum wallet with a private key and address. |
cast wallet new-mnemonic | ✅ Supported | Creates a new wallet using a mnemonic phrase, which can be used to recover the wallet later. |
cast wallet vanity | ✅ Supported | Generates a new wallet with a custom, vanity address (e.g., one that starts with specific characters). |
cast wallet address | ✅ Supported | Outputs the Ethereum address associated with a given private key. |
cast wallet sign | ✅ Supported | Signs a message or transaction using the private key of a specified wallet. |
cast wallet sign-auth (DEPRECATED?) | ✅ Supported | Signs an authorization message with a private key, often used in authentication workflows. |
cast wallet verify | ✅ Supported | Verifies a signed message, confirming that it was signed by the holder of the private key associated with a specific address. |
cast wallet import | ✅ Supported | Imports an Ethereum wallet using a private key or mnemonic phrase. |
cast wallet list | ✅ Supported | Lists all wallets stored in a specific keystore. |
cast wallet private-key | ✅ Supported | Outputs the private key associated with a given wallet, provided proper authentication. |
cast wallet decrypt-keystore | ✅ Supported | Decrypts a keystore file to retrieve the private key, requiring the correct password. |
anvil | ✅ Supported | A local Ethereum node implementation, similar to Ganache, that can be used for testing and development. |
anvil completions | ✅ Supported | Generates shell completions for anvil, useful for auto-completing commands in the terminal. |
anvil generate-fig-spec | ✅ Supported | Generates a Fig autocomplete spec for anvil, providing interactive command suggestions. |
chisel | ✅ Supported | A tool used to interact with and modify smart contracts, providing operations like loading, listing, and clearing caches of tools. |
chisel list | ✅ Supported | Lists all available chisel tools or operations that can be applied to smart contracts. |
chisel load | ✅ Supported | Loads a specific chisel tool or operation, making it ready for use on a smart contract. |
chisel view | ✅ Supported | Displays the details or configuration of a loaded chisel tool or operation. |
chisel clear-cache | ✅ Supported | Clears the cache of chisel tools or operations, forcing a reload or update. |
Overview of Forge
Forge is a command-line tool that ships with Foundry. Forge tests, builds, and deploys your smart contracts.
Forge can run your tests with the forge test
command. All tests are written in Solidity.
Forge will look for the tests anywhere in your source directory. Any contract with a function that starts with test
is considered to be a test. Usually, tests will be placed in test/
by convention and end with .t.sol
Here’s an example of running forge test
in a freshly created project, that only has the default test:
$ forge test --zksync
Compiling 25 files with Solc 0.8.27
Solc 0.8.27 finished in 676.84ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for test/Counter.t.sol:CounterTest
[PASS] testFuzz_SetNumber(uint256) (runs: 256, μ: 683547, ~: 577696)
[PASS] test_Increment() (gas: 526627)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 3.20s (3.20s CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 3.20s (3.20s CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)
You can also run specific tests by passing a filter:
$ forge test --zksync --match-contract ComplicatedContractTest --match-test test_Deposit
Compiling 24 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 836.40ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for test/ComplicatedContract.t.sol:ComplicatedContractTest
[PASS] test_DepositERC20() (gas: 102193)
[PASS] test_DepositETH() (gas: 61414)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 1.77ms (2.19ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 3.19ms (1.77ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)
This will run the tests in the ComplicatedContractTest
test contract with testDeposit
in the name.
Inverse versions of these flags also exist (--no-match-contract
and --no-match-test
You can run tests in filenames that match a glob pattern with --match-path
$ forge test --zksync --match-path test/ContractB.t.sol
Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 752.63ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 1 test for test/ContractB.t.sol:ContractBTest
[PASS] testExample() (gas: 257)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 363.13µs (45.38µs CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 3.17ms (363.13µs CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
The inverse of the --match-path
flag is --no-match-path
Logs and traces
The default behavior for forge test
is to only display a summary of passing and failing tests. You can control this behavior by increasing the verbosity (using the -v
flag). Each level of verbosity adds more information:
- Level 2 (
): Logs emitted during tests are also displayed. That includes assertion errors from tests, showing information such as expected vs actual. - Level 3 (
): Stack traces for failing tests are also displayed. - Level 4 (
): Stack traces for all tests are displayed, and setup traces for failing tests are displayed. - Level 5 (
): Stack traces and setup traces are always displayed.
Watch mode
Forge can re-run your tests when you make changes to your files using forge test --watch
By default, only changed test files are re-run. If you want to re-run all tests on a change, you can use forge test --zksync --watch --run-all
Writing Tests
Tests are written in Solidity. If the test function reverts, the test fails, otherwise it passes.
Let’s go over the most common way of writing tests, using the Forge Standard Library’s Test
contract, which is the preferred way of writing tests with Forge.
In this section, we’ll go over the basics using the functions from the Forge Std’s Test
contract, which is itself a superset of DSTest. You will learn how to use more advanced stuff from the Forge Standard Library soon.
DSTest provides basic logging and assertion functionality. To get access to the functions, import forge-std/Test.sol
and inherit from Test
in your test contract:
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
Let’s examine a basic test:
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract ContractBTest is Test {
uint256 testNumber;
function setUp() public {
testNumber = 42;
function test_NumberIs42() public {
assertEq(testNumber, 42);
function testFail_Subtract43() public {
testNumber -= 43;
Forge uses the following keywords in tests:
: An optional function invoked before each test case is run.
function setUp() public {
testNumber = 42;
: Functions prefixed withtest
are run as a test case.
function test_NumberIs42() public {
assertEq(testNumber, 42);
: The inverse of thetest
prefix - if the function does not revert, the test fails.
function testFail_Subtract43() public {
testNumber -= 43;
A good practice is to use the pattern test_Revert[If|When]_Condition
in combination with the expectRevert
cheatcode (cheatcodes are explained in greater detail in the following section). Also, other testing practices can be found in the Tutorials section.
Now, instead of using testFail
, you know exactly what reverted and with which error:
function test_CannotSubtract43() public {
testNumber -= 43;
Tests are deployed to 0xb4c79daB8f259C7Aee6E5b2Aa729821864227e84
. If you deploy a contract within your test, then
will be its deployer. If the contract deployed within a test gives special permissions to its deployer,
such as Ownable.sol
’s onlyOwner
modifier, then the test contract 0xb4c...7e84
will have those permissions.
⚠️ Note
Test functions must have either
visibility. Functions declared asinternal
won’t be picked up by Forge, even if they are prefixed withtest
Before test setups
Unit and fuzz tests are stateless and are executed as single transactions, meaning that the state modified by a test won’t be available for a different one (instead, they’ll use the same state created by setUp
It is possible to simulate multiple transactions in a single test, with a dependency tree, by implementing the beforeTestSetup
: Optional function that configures a set of transactions to be executed before test.
function beforeTestSetup(
bytes4 testSelector
public returns (bytes[] memory beforeTestCalldata)
bytes4 testSelector
is the selector of the test for which transactions are appliedbytes[] memory beforeTestCalldata
is an array of arbitrary calldata applied before test execution
💡 Tip
This setup can be used for chaining tests or for scenarios when a test needs certain transactions committed before test run (e.g. when using
). The test fails if any of the configured transaction reverts.
For example, in contract below, testC
is configured to use state modified by testA
and setB(uint256)
contract ContractTest is Test {
uint256 a;
uint256 b;
function beforeTestSetup(
bytes4 testSelector
) public pure returns (bytes[] memory beforeTestCalldata) {
if (testSelector == this.testC.selector) {
beforeTestCalldata = new bytes[](2);
beforeTestCalldata[0] = abi.encodePacked(this.testA.selector);
beforeTestCalldata[1] = abi.encodeWithSignature("setB(uint256)", 1);
function testA() public {
require(a == 0);
a += 1;
function setB(uint256 value) public {
b = value;
function testC() public {
assertEq(a, 1);
assertEq(b, 1);
Shared setups
It is possible to use shared setups by creating helper abstract contracts and inheriting them in your test contracts:
abstract contract HelperContract {
address constant IMPORTANT_ADDRESS = 0x543d...;
SomeContract someContract;
constructor() {...}
contract MyContractTest is Test, HelperContract {
function setUp() public {
someContract = new SomeContract(0, IMPORTANT_ADDRESS);
contract MyOtherContractTest is Test, HelperContract {
function setUp() public {
someContract = new SomeContract(1000, IMPORTANT_ADDRESS);
💡 Tip
Use the
cheatcode to deploy contracts with incompatible Solidity versions.
🚨 Important
See Cheatcode Limitations when using cheatcodes in ZKsync context.
Most of the time, simply testing your smart contracts outputs isn’t enough. To manipulate the state of the blockchain, as well as test for specific reverts and events, Foundry is shipped with a set of cheatcodes.
Cheatcodes allow you to change the block number, your identity, and more. They are invoked by calling specific functions on a specially designated address: 0x7109709ECfa91a80626fF3989D68f67F5b1DD12D
You can access cheatcodes easily via the vm
instance available in Forge Standard Library’s Test
contract. Forge Standard Library is explained in greater detail in the following section.
Let’s write a test for a smart contract that is only callable by its owner.
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
error Unauthorized();
contract OwnerUpOnly {
address public immutable owner;
uint256 public count;
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
function increment() external {
if (msg.sender != owner) {
revert Unauthorized();
contract OwnerUpOnlyTest is Test {
OwnerUpOnly upOnly;
function setUp() public {
upOnly = new OwnerUpOnly();
function test_IncrementAsOwner() public {
assertEq(upOnly.count(), 0);
assertEq(upOnly.count(), 1);
If we run forge test
now, we will see that the test passes, since OwnerUpOnlyTest
is the owner of OwnerUpOnly
$ forge test
Compiling 24 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 801.67ms
Compiler run successful!
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 1 test for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] test_IncrementAsOwner() (gas: 734680)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 27.21ms (14.85ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 28.11ms (27.21ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Let’s make sure that someone who is definitely not the owner can’t increment the count:
contract OwnerUpOnlyTest is Test {
OwnerUpOnly upOnly;
// ...
function testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner() public {
If we run forge test
now, we will see that all the test pass.
$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner() (gas: 216319)
[PASS] test_IncrementAsOwner() (gas: 734680)
Suite result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 27.63ms (21.66ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 28.47ms (27.63ms CPU time): 2 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (2 total tests)
The test passed because the prank
cheatcode changed our identity to the zero address for the next call (upOnly.increment()
). The test case passed since we used the testFail
prefix, however, using testFail
is considered an anti-pattern since it does not tell us anything about why upOnly.increment()
If we run the tests again with traces turned on, we can see that we reverted with the correct error message.
$ forge test -vvvv --match-test testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner
No files changed, compilation skipped
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 1 test for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner() (gas: 216319)
[216319] OwnerUpOnlyTest::testFail_IncrementAsNotOwner()
├─ [0] VM::prank(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
│ └─ ← [Return]
├─ [208252] OwnerUpOnly::increment()
│ └─ ← [Revert] Unauthorized()
└─ ← [Revert] Unauthorized()
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 17.56ms (4.98ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 18.48ms (17.56ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
To be sure in the future, let’s make sure that we reverted because we are not the owner using the expectRevert
contract OwnerUpOnlyTest is Test {
OwnerUpOnly upOnly;
// ...
// Notice that we replaced `testFail` with `test`
function test_RevertWhen_CallerIsNotOwner() public {
If we run forge test
one last time, we see that the test still passes, but this time we are sure that it will always fail if we revert for any other reason.
$ forge test
No files changed, compilation skipped
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 1 test for test/OwnerUpOnly.t.sol:OwnerUpOnlyTest
[PASS] test_IncrementAsOwner() (gas: 734680)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 28.42ms (15.76ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 29.18ms (28.42ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
Another cheatcode that is perhaps not so intuitive is the expectEmit
function. Before looking at expectEmit
, we need to understand what an event is.
Events are inheritable members of contracts. When you emit an event, the arguments are stored on the blockchain. The indexed
attribute can be added to a maximum of three parameters of an event to form a data structure known as a “topic.” Topics allow users to search for events on the blockchain.
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract EmitContractTest is Test {
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
function test_ExpectEmit() public {
ExpectEmit emitter = new ExpectEmit();
// Check that topic 1, topic 2, and data are the same as the following emitted event.
// Checking topic 3 here doesn't matter, because `Transfer` only has 2 indexed topics.
vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
// The event we expect
emit Transfer(address(this), address(1337), 1337);
// The event we get
function test_ExpectEmit_DoNotCheckData() public {
ExpectEmit emitter = new ExpectEmit();
// Check topic 1 and topic 2, but do not check data
vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, false);
// The event we expect
emit Transfer(address(this), address(1337), 1338);
// The event we get
contract ExpectEmit {
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
function t() public {
emit Transfer(msg.sender, address(1337), 1337);
When we call vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true);
, we want to check the 1st and 2nd indexed
topic for the next event.
The expected Transfer
event in test_ExpectEmit()
means we are expecting that from
is address(this)
, and to
is address(1337)
. This is compared against the event emitted from emitter.t()
In other words, we are checking that the first topic from emitter.t()
is equal to address(this)
. The 3rd argument in expectEmit
is set to false
because there is no need to check the third topic in the Transfer
event, since there are only two. It does not matter even if we set to true
The 4th argument in expectEmit
is set to true
, which means that we want to check “non-indexed topics”, also known as data.
For example, we want the data from the expected event in test_ExpectEmit
- which is amount
- to equal to the data in the actual emitted event. In other words, we are asserting that amount
emitted by emitter.t()
is equal to 1337
. If the fourth argument in expectEmit
was set to false
, we would not check amount
In other words, test_ExpectEmit_DoNotCheckData
is a valid test case, even though the amounts differ, since we do not check the data.
📚 Reference
See the Cheatcodes Reference for a complete overview of all the available cheatcodes.
Forge Standard Library Overview
Forge Standard Library (Forge Std for short) is a collection of helpful contracts that make writing tests easier, faster, and more user-friendly.
Using Forge Std is the preferred way of writing tests with Foundry.
It provides all the essential functionality you need to get started writing tests:
: Up-to-date cheatcodes interfaceconsole.sol
: Hardhat-style logging functionalityScript.sol
: Basic utilities for Solidity scriptingTest.sol
: A superset of DSTest containing standard libraries, a cheatcodes instance (vm
), and Hardhat console
Simply import Test.sol
and inherit from Test
in your test contract:
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract ContractTest is Test { ...
Now, you can:
// Access Hevm via the `vm` instance
// Assert and log using Dappsys Test
assertEq(dai.balanceOf(alice), 10000e18);
// Log with the Hardhat `console` (`console2`)
// Use anything from the Forge Std std-libraries
deal(address(dai), alice, 10000e18);
To import the Vm
interface or the console
library individually:
import {Vm} from "forge-std/Vm.sol";
import {console} from "forge-std/console.sol";
Note: console2.sol
contains patches to console.sol
that allows Forge to decode traces for calls to the console, but it is not compatible with Hardhat.
import {console2} from "forge-std/console2.sol";
Standard libraries
Forge Std currently consists of six standard libraries.
Std Logs
Std Logs expand upon the logging events from the DSTest
Std Assertions
Std Assertions expand upon the assertion functions from the DSTest
Std Cheats
Std Cheats are wrappers around Forge cheatcodes that make them safer to use and improve the DX.
You can access Std Cheats by simply calling them inside your test contract, as you would any other internal function:
// set up a prank as Alice with 100 ETH balance
hoax(alice, 100 ether);
Std Errors
Std Errors provide wrappers around common internal Solidity errors and reverts.
Std Errors are most useful in combination with the expectRevert
cheatcode, as you do not need to remember the internal Solidity panic codes yourself. Note that you have to access them through stdError
, as this is a library.
// expect an arithmetic error on the next call (e.g. underflow)
Std Storage
Std Storage makes manipulating contract storage easy. It can find and write to the storage slot(s) associated with a particular variable.
The Test
contract already provides a StdStorage
instance stdstore
through which you can access any std-storage functionality. Note that you must add using stdStorage for StdStorage
in your test contract first.
// find the variable `score` in the contract `game`
// and change its value to 10
Std Math
Std Math is a library with useful mathematical functions that are not provided in Solidity.
Note that you have to access them through stdMath
, as this is a library.
// get the absolute value of -10
uint256 ten = stdMath.abs(-10)
📚 Reference
See the Forge Standard Library Reference for a complete overview of Forge Standard Library.
Forge ZKsync Standard Library Overview
Forge ZKsync Standard Library is an addition to the Forge Standard Library that adds further collection of helpful contracts that make writing tests easier, faster, and more user-friendly for the ZKsync ecosystem.
Refer to this section for more details.
Understanding Traces
Forge can produce traces either for failing tests (-vvv
) or all tests (-vvvv
Traces follow the same general format:
[<Gas Usage>] <Contract>::<Function>(<Parameters>)
├─ [<Gas Usage>] <Contract>::<Function>(<Parameters>)
│ └─ ← <Return Value>
└─ ← <Return Value>
Each trace can have many more subtraces, each denoting a call to a contract and a return value.
If your terminal supports color, the traces will also come with a variety of colors:
- Green: For calls that do not revert
- Red: For reverting calls
- Blue: For calls to cheat codes
- Cyan: For emitted logs
- Yellow: For contract deployments
The gas usage (marked in square brackets) is for the entirety of the function call. You may notice, however, that sometimes the gas usage of one trace does not exactly match the gas usage of all its subtraces:
[24661] OwnerUpOnlyTest::testIncrementAsOwner()
├─ [2262] OwnerUpOnly::count()
│ └─ ← 0
├─ [20398] OwnerUpOnly::increment()
│ └─ ← ()
├─ [262] OwnerUpOnly::count()
│ └─ ← 1
└─ ← ()
The gas unaccounted for is due to some extra operations happening between calls, such as arithmetic and store reads/writes.
Forge will try to decode as many signatures and values as possible, but sometimes this is not possible. In these cases, the traces will appear like so:
[<Gas Usage>] <Address>::<Calldata>
└─ ← <Return Data>
Some traces might be harder to grasp at first glance. These include:
- The
shorthand stands for “Out Of Gas”. - The acronym
stands for “Ethereum Object Format”, which introduces an extensible and versioned container format for EVM bytecode. For more information, read here. NotActivated
means the feature or opcode is not activated. Some versions of the EVM only support certain opcodes. You may need to use a more recent version usign the--evm_version
flag. For example, thePUSH0
opcode is only available since the Shanghai hardfork.InvalidFEOpcode
means that an undefined bytecode value has been encountered during execution. The EVM catches the unknown bytecode and returns theINVALID
opcode instead, of value0xFE
. You can find out more here.
For a deeper insight into the various traces, you can explore the revm source code.
ZKsync Limitations
In addition to the above anomalies of incorrect gas and un-decodable traces, there are additional caveats within the ZKsync context:
- The events emitted from within the zkEVM will not show on traces. See events in zkEVM.
- The system call traces from within the zkEVM’s bootloader are currently ignored in order to simplify the trace output.
- Executing each
in its own zkEVM has additional bootloader gas costs, which may sometimes not be accounted in the traces. The ignored bootloader system calls, have a heuristic in-place to sum up their gas usage to the nearest non-system parent call, but this may also not add up accurately.
Fork Testing
Forge supports testing in a forked environment with two different approaches:
- Forking Mode — use a single fork for all your tests via the
forge test --fork-url
flag - Forking Cheatcodes — create, select, and manage multiple forks directly in Solidity test code via forking cheatcodes
Which approach to use? Forking mode affords running an entire test suite against a specific forked environment, while forking cheatcodes provide more flexibility and expressiveness to work with multiple forks in your tests. Your particular use case and testing strategy will help inform which approach to use.
Note that ZKsync context will be set accordingly based on the fork url, so the --zksync
flag need not be passed.
Forking Mode
To run all tests in a forked environment, such as a forked Ethereum mainnet, pass an RPC URL via the --fork-url
forge test --fork-url <your_rpc_url>
The following values are changed to reflect those of the chain at the moment of forking:
It is possible to specify a block from which to fork with --fork-block-number
forge test --fork-url <your_rpc_url> --fork-block-number 1
Forking is especially useful when you need to interact with existing contracts. You may choose to do integration testing this way, as if you were on an actual network.
If both --fork-url
and --fork-block-number
are specified, then data for that block is cached for future test runs.
The data is cached in ~/.foundry/cache/rpc/<chain name>/<block number>
. To clear the cache, simply remove the directory or run forge clean
(removes all build artifacts and cache directories).
It is also possible to ignore the cache entirely by passing --no-storage-caching
, or with foundry.toml
by configuring no_storage_caching
and rpc_storage_caching
Improved traces
Forge supports identifying contracts in a forked environment with Etherscan.
To use this feature, pass the Etherscan API key via the --etherscan-api-key
forge test --fork-url <your_rpc_url> --etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key>
Alternatively, you can set the ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
environment variable.
Forking Cheatcodes
Forking cheatcodes allow you to enter forking mode programmatically in your Solidity test code. Instead of configuring forking mode via forge
CLI arguments, these cheatcodes allow you to use forking mode on a test-by-test basis and work with multiple forks in your tests. Each fork is identified via its own unique uint256
Important to keep in mind that all test functions are isolated, meaning each test function is executed with a copy of the state after setUp
and is executed in its own stand-alone EVM.
Therefore forks created during setUp
are available in tests. The code example below uses createFork
to create two forks, but does not select one initially. Each fork is identified with a unique identifier (uint256 forkId
), which is assigned when it is first created.
Enabling a specific fork is done via passing that forkId
to selectFork
is a one-liner for createFork
plus selectFork
There can only be one fork active at a time, and the identifier for the currently active fork can be retrieved via activeFork
Similar to roll
, you can set block.number
of a fork with rollFork
To understand what happens when a fork is selected, it is important to know how the forking mode works in general:
Each fork is a standalone EVM, i.e. all forks use completely independent storage. The only exception is the state of the msg.sender
and the test contract itself, which are persistent across fork swaps.
In other words all changes that are made while fork A
is active (selectFork(A)
) are only recorded in fork A
’s storage and are not available if another fork is selected. However, changes recorded in the test contract itself (variables) are still available because the test contract is a persistent account.
The selectFork
cheatcode sets the remote section with the fork’s data source, however the local memory remains persistent across fork swaps. This also means selectFork
can be called at all times with any fork, to set the remote data source. However, it is important to keep in mind the above rules for read/write
access always apply, meaning writes are persistent across fork swaps.
Create and Select Forks
contract ForkTest is Test {
// the identifiers of the forks
uint256 mainnetFork;
uint256 optimismFork;
//Access variables from .env file via vm.envString("varname")
//Replace ALCHEMY_KEY by your alchemy key or Etherscan key, change RPC url if need
//inside your .env file e.g:
//MAINNET_RPC_URL = 'https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/ALCHEMY_KEY'
//string MAINNET_RPC_URL = vm.envString("MAINNET_RPC_URL");
//string OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = vm.envString("OPTIMISM_RPC_URL");
// create two _different_ forks during setup
function setUp() public {
mainnetFork = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
optimismFork = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);
// demonstrate fork ids are unique
function testForkIdDiffer() public {
assert(mainnetFork != optimismFork);
// select a specific fork
function testCanSelectFork() public {
// select the fork
assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);
// from here on data is fetched from the `mainnetFork` if the EVM requests it and written to the storage of `mainnetFork`
// manage multiple forks in the same test
function testCanSwitchForks() public {
assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);
assertEq(vm.activeFork(), optimismFork);
// forks can be created at all times
function testCanCreateAndSelectForkInOneStep() public {
// creates a new fork and also selects it
uint256 anotherFork = vm.createSelectFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
assertEq(vm.activeFork(), anotherFork);
// set `block.number` of a fork
function testCanSetForkBlockNumber() public {
assertEq(block.number, 1_337_000);
Separated and persistent storage
As mentioned each fork is essentially an independent EVM with separated storage.
Only the accounts of msg.sender
and the test contract (ForkTest
) are persistent when forks are selected. But any account can be turned into a persistent account: makePersistent
An account that is persistent is unique, i.e. it exists on all forks
contract ForkTest is Test {
// the identifiers of the forks
uint256 mainnetFork;
uint256 optimismFork;
//Access variables from .env file via vm.envString("varname")
//Replace ALCHEMY_KEY by your alchemy key or Etherscan key, change RPC url if need
//inside your .env file e.g:
//MAINNET_RPC_URL = 'https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/ALCHEMY_KEY'
//string MAINNET_RPC_URL = vm.envString("MAINNET_RPC_URL");
//string OPTIMISM_RPC_URL = vm.envString("OPTIMISM_RPC_URL");
// create two _different_ forks during setup
function setUp() public {
mainnetFork = vm.createFork(MAINNET_RPC_URL);
optimismFork = vm.createFork(OPTIMISM_RPC_URL);
// creates a new contract while a fork is active
function testCreateContract() public {
assertEq(vm.activeFork(), mainnetFork);
// the new contract is written to `mainnetFork`'s storage
SimpleStorageContract simple = new SimpleStorageContract();
// and can be used as normal
assertEq(simple.value(), 100);
// after switching to another contract we still know `address(simple)` but the contract only lives in `mainnetFork`
/* this call will therefore revert because `simple` now points to a contract that does not exist on the active fork
* it will produce following revert message:
* "Contract 0xCe71065D4017F316EC606Fe4422e11eB2c47c246 does not exist on active fork with id `1`
* But exists on non active forks: `[0]`"
// creates a new _persistent_ contract while a fork is active
function testCreatePersistentContract() public {
SimpleStorageContract simple = new SimpleStorageContract();
assertEq(simple.value(), 100);
// mark the contract as persistent so it is also available when other forks are active
// This will succeed because the contract is now also available on the `optimismFork`
assertEq(simple.value(), 100);
contract SimpleStorageContract {
uint256 public value;
function set(uint256 _value) public {
value = _value;
For more details and examples, see the forking cheatcodes reference.
Replaying Failures
Forge supports incrementally replaying last test run failures by persisting them on the disk.
Rerun failures
The --rerun
option can be used to omit successful tests and replay recorded failures only:
forge test --rerun
The failed tests are written in ~/.foundry/cache/test-failures
file. This file is updated each time forge test
is performed, so it reflects failures from the last run.
Fuzz tests failures
Forge saves all fuzz tests counterexamples and replays them before new test campaigns are started (This is done in order to ensure there is no regression introduced).
Fuzz tests failures encountered in several runs are by default persisted in ~/.foundry/cache/fuzz/failures
file. The file content is not replaced by subsequent test runs, but new records are added to existing entries.
The default file used to persist and rerun fuzz test failures from can be changed in foundry.toml:
or by using inline config
/// forge-config: default.fuzz.failure-persist-file = /tests/failures.txt
Invariant tests failures
Failures from invariant tests are saved and replayed before new test campaigns are started, similar with fuzz tests. The difference is that the failed sequences are persisted in individual files, with specific ~/.foundry/cache/invariant/failures/{TEST_SUITE_NAME}/{INVARIANT_NAME}
default path. Content of this file is replaced only when a different counterexample is found.
The default directory to persist invariant test failures can be changed in foundry.toml:
or by using inline config
/// forge-config: default.invariant.failure-persist-dir = /tests/dir
Remove persisted failures
To ignore saved failures and start a clean test campaign, simply remove the persisted files or run forge clean
(removes all build artifacts and cache directories).
Advanced Testing
Forge comes with a number of advanced testing methods:
In the future, Forge will also support these:
Each chapter dives into what problem the testing methods solve, and how to apply them to your own project.
Fuzz Testing
Forge supports property based testing.
Property-based testing is a way of testing general behaviors as opposed to isolated scenarios.
Let’s examine what that means by writing a unit test, finding the general property we are testing for, and converting it to a property-based test instead:
pragma solidity 0.8.10;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract Safe {
receive() external payable {}
function withdraw() external {
payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
contract SafeTest is Test {
Safe safe;
// Needed so the test contract itself can receive ether
// when withdrawing
receive() external payable {}
function setUp() public {
safe = new Safe();
function test_Withdraw() public {
payable(address(safe)).call{value: 1 ether}("");
uint256 preBalance = address(this).balance;
uint256 postBalance = address(this).balance;
assertEq(preBalance + 1 ether, postBalance);
Running the test, we see it passes:
$ forge test --zksync
Compiling 24 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 855.08ms
Compiler run successful with warnings:
Warning (9302): Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:11:9:
11 | payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Warning (9302): Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:27:9:
27 | payable(address(safe)).call{value: 1 ether}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compiling 1 files with zksolc and solc 0.8.10
zksolc and solc 0.8.10 finished in 4.09s
Compiler run successful with warnings:
Warning (9302)
Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:11:9:
11 | payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Warning (9302)
Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:27:9:
27 | payable(address(safe)).call{value: 1 ether}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-10-09T21:29:20.620101Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
Ran 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[PASS] test_Withdraw() (gas: 1199829)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 24.00ms (11.22ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 24.86ms (24.00ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
This unit test does test that we can withdraw ether from our safe. However, who is to say that it works for all amounts, not just 1 ether?
The general property here is: given a safe balance, when we withdraw, we should get whatever is in the safe.
Forge will run any test that takes at least one parameter as a property-based test, so let’s rewrite:
contract SafeTest is Test {
// ...
function testFuzz_Withdraw(uint256 amount) public {
payable(address(safe)).call{value: amount}("");
uint256 preBalance = address(this).balance;
uint256 postBalance = address(this).balance;
assertEq(preBalance + amount, postBalance);
If we run the test now, we can see that Forge runs the property-based test, but it fails for high values of amount
$ forge test
Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 819.99ms
Compiler run successful with warnings:
Warning (9302): Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:11:9:
11 | payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Warning (9302): Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:30:9:
30 | payable(address(safe)).call{value: amount}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compiling 1 files with zksolc and solc 0.8.10
zksolc and solc 0.8.10 finished in 4.06s
Compiler run successful with warnings:
Warning (9302)
Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:11:9:
11 | payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Warning (9302)
Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:30:9:
30 | payable(address(safe)).call{value: amount}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-10-09T21:29:26.190945Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::error: vm error: Not enough gas
2024-10-09T21:29:26.191102Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::inspect: tx execution halted: Bootloader out of gas
2024-10-09T21:29:26.195012Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
Ran 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[FAIL. Reason: assertion failed; counterexample: calldata=0x29facca7000000000000000000000000451250ed02c3b5d4ef727250d78e35f4f34ad844 args=[394328826233888621336380253070256380957816444996 [3.943e47]]] testFuzz_Withdraw(uint256) (runs: 0, μ: 0, ~: 0)
Suite result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 22.14ms (10.29ms CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 22.77ms (22.14ms CPU time): 0 tests passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
The default amount of ether that the test contract is given is 2**96 wei
(as in DappTools), so we have to restrict the type of amount to uint96
to make sure we don’t try to send more than we have:
function testFuzz_Withdraw(uint96 amount) public {
And now it passes:
$ forge test --zksync
Compiling 1 files with Solc 0.8.10
Solc 0.8.10 finished in 847.95ms
Compiler run successful with warnings:
Warning (9302): Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:11:9:
11 | payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Warning (9302): Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:29:9:
29 | payable(address(safe)).call{value: amount}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Compiling 1 files with zksolc and solc 0.8.10
zksolc and solc 0.8.10 finished in 4.19s
Compiler run successful with warnings:
Warning (9302)
Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:11:9:
11 | payable(msg.sender).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Warning (9302)
Warning: Return value of low-level calls not used.
--> test/Safe.t.sol:29:9:
29 | payable(address(safe)).call{value: amount}("");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2024-10-09T21:29:31.953712Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:31.965274Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:31.981492Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:31.994236Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.004835Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.015542Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.026383Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.037386Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.048792Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.059269Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.069454Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.080018Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.090247Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.100902Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.111448Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.122374Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.133152Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.143722Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.153895Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.164176Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.174775Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.185022Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.195370Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.207081Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.218864Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.230200Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.240744Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.251191Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.261380Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.271418Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.281436Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.291604Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.301596Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.312149Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.323842Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.334803Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.346719Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.357933Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.368526Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.378552Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.389123Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.399701Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.410182Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.420389Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.430787Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.441481Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.451970Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.462419Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.472538Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.482875Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.493685Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.503784Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.513953Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.524475Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.534398Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.545975Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.556586Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.567322Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.578069Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.588455Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.599010Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.609892Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.621755Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.633629Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.644483Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.655358Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.665953Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.675909Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.686312Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.696794Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.707325Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.717902Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.727921Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.738330Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.748818Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.759317Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.769876Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.780418Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.790648Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.801995Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.812443Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.823317Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.833993Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.845228Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.856047Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.866294Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.876696Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.887158Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.897354Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.907461Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.919803Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.932063Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.943043Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.953530Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.964259Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.974855Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.985463Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:32.996378Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.006839Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.016885Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.027241Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.037283Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.047488Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.057315Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.068534Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.078971Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.089369Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.099408Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.109388Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.119328Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.129578Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.139740Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.149996Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.160386Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.170904Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.181013Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.191516Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.202598Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.213257Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.223332Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.235037Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.245845Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.256462Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.267367Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.278660Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.289761Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.300076Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.310374Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.320387Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.331143Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.341330Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.352546Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.363166Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.373307Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.383647Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.394134Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.404436Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.414789Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.425366Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.436163Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.447355Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.457693Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.468284Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.478690Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.489394Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.499808Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.510512Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.520689Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.531016Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.541476Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.553002Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.564700Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.575039Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.585594Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.596345Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.607024Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.617965Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.628546Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.639505Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.649810Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.659949Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.670867Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.682112Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.692944Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.703636Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.713919Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.724383Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.735104Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.745688Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.756853Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.767202Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.777639Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.788461Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.798766Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.808861Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.819417Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.830375Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.842081Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.852787Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.864508Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.874618Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.884790Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.895640Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.906150Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.916598Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.927396Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.938363Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.949346Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.959976Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.970808Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.981527Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:33.991953Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.002301Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.012575Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.022936Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.033749Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.044231Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.054436Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.064251Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.074281Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.085689Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.095921Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.106898Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.116939Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.127204Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.137529Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.148668Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.159469Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.170806Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.181696Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.192300Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.202760Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.214214Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.225267Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.236167Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.246913Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.257252Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.267533Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.278206Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.288738Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.299424Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.310750Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.322303Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.332327Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.343067Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.354336Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.364938Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.375737Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.385783Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.395907Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.405810Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.416877Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.427235Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.438189Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.448757Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.459236Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.469843Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.480737Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.490992Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.501154Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.511568Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.521616Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.532256Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.542874Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.553571Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.564048Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.574866Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.585806Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.596460Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.606816Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.617049Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.627627Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.637774Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.647800Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.658090Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.668321Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
2024-10-09T21:29:34.678533Z ERROR foundry_zksync_core::vm::tracers::cheatcode: call may fail or behave unexpectedly due to empty code target=0x7fa9385be102ac3eac297483dd6233d62b3e1496 calldata=""
Ran 1 test for test/Safe.t.sol:SafeTest
[PASS] testFuzz_Withdraw(uint96) (runs: 257, μ: 1108505, ~: 1097989)
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 2.75s (2.74s CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 2.75s (2.75s CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
You may want to exclude certain cases using the assume
cheatcode. In those cases, fuzzer will discard the inputs and start a new fuzz run:
function testFuzz_Withdraw(uint96 amount) public {
vm.assume(amount > 0.1 ether);
// snip
There are different ways to run property-based tests, notably parametric testing and fuzzing. Forge only supports fuzzing.
Interpreting results
You might have noticed that fuzz tests are summarized a bit differently compared to unit tests:
- “runs” refers to the amount of scenarios the fuzzer tested. By default, the fuzzer will generate 256 scenarios, but this and other test execution parameters can be setup by the user. Fuzzer configuration details are provided
. - “μ” (Greek letter mu) is the mean gas used across all fuzz runs
- “~” (tilde) is the median gas used across all fuzz runs
Configuring fuzz test execution
Fuzz tests execution is governed by parameters that can be controlled by users via Forge configuration primitives. Configs can be applied globally or on a per-test basis. For details on this topic please refer to
📚 Global config
and 📚 In-line config
Fuzz test fixtures
Fuzz test fixtures can be defined when you want to make sure a certain set of values is used as inputs for fuzzed parameters. These fixtures can be declared in tests as:
- storage arrays prefixed with
and followed by param name to be fuzzed. For example, fixtures to be used when fuzzing parameteramount
of typeuint32
can be defined as
uint32[] public fixtureAmount = [1, 5, 555];
- functions named with
prefix, followed by param name to be fuzzed. Function should return an (fixed size or dynamic) array of values to be used for fuzzing. For example, fixtures to be used when fuzzing parameter namedowner
of typeaddress
can be defined in a function with signature
function fixtureOwner() public returns (address[] memory)
If the type of value provided as a fixture is not the same type as the named parameter to be fuzzed then it is rejected and an error is raised.
An example where fixture could be used is to reproduce the DSChief
vulnerability. Consider the 2 functions
function etch(address yay) public returns (bytes32 slate) {
bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(yay));
slates[hash] = yay;
return hash;
function voteSlate(bytes32 slate) public {
uint weight = deposits[msg.sender];
subWeight(weight, votes[msg.sender]);
votes[msg.sender] = slate;
addWeight(weight, votes[msg.sender]);
where the vulnerability can be reproduced by calling voteSlate
before etch
, with slate
value being a hash of yay
To make sure fuzzer includes in the same run a slate
value derived from a yay
address, following fixtures can be defined:
address[] public fixtureYay = [
bytes32[] public fixtureSlate = [
Following image shows how fuzzer generates values with and without fixtures being declared:
Invariant Testing
Invariant testing allows for a set of invariant expressions to be tested against randomized sequences of pre-defined function calls from pre-defined contracts. After each function call is performed, all defined invariants are asserted.
Invariant testing is a powerful tool to expose incorrect logic in protocols. Due to the fact that function call sequences are randomized and have fuzzed inputs, invariant testing can expose false assumptions and incorrect logic in edge cases and highly complex protocol states.
Invariant testing campaigns have two dimensions, runs
and depth
: Number of times that a sequence of function calls is generated and run.depth
: Number of function calls made in a givenrun
. Invariants are asserted after each function call is made. If a function call reverts, thedepth
counter still increments.
ℹ️ Note
When implementing invariant tests is important to be aware that for each
function a different EVM executor is created, therefore invariants are not asserted against same EVM state. This means that ifinvariant_A()
functions are defined theninvariant_B()
won’t be asserted against EVM state ofinvariant_A()
(and the other way around).If you want to assert all invariants at the same time then they can be grouped and run on multiple jobs. For example, assert all invariants using two jobs can be implemented as:
function invariant_job1() public { assertInvariants(); } function invariant_job2() public { assertInvariants(); } function assertInvariants() internal { assertEq(val1, val2); assertEq(val3, val4); }
These and other invariant configuration aspects are explained here
Similar to how standard tests are run in Foundry by prefixing a function name with test
, invariant tests are denoted by prefixing the function name with invariant
(e.g., function invariant_A()
function is called at the end of each invariant run (if declared), allowing post campaign processing. This function can be used for logging campaign metrics (e.g. how many times a selector was called) and post fuzz campaign testing (e.g. close out all positions and assert all funds are able to exit the system).
Configuring invariant test execution
Invariant tests execution is governed by parameters that can be controlled by users via Forge configuration primitives. Configs can be applied globally or on a per-test basis. For details on this topic please refer to
📚 Global config
and 📚 In-line config
Defining Invariants
Invariants are conditions expressions that should always hold true over the course of a fuzzing campaign. A good invariant testing suite should have as many invariants as possible, and can have different testing suites for different protocol states.
Examples of invariants are:
- “The xy=k formula always holds” for Uniswap
- “The sum of all user balances is equal to the total supply” for an ERC-20 token.
There are different ways to assert invariants, as outlined in the table below:
Type | Explanation | Example |
Direct assertions | Query a protocol smart contract and assert values are as expected. |
Ghost variable assertions | Query a protocol smart contract and compare it against a value that has been persisted in the test environment (ghost variable). |
Deoptimizing (Naive implementation assertions) | Query a protocol smart contract and compare it against a naive and typically highly gas-inefficient implementation of the same desired logic. |
Conditional Invariants
Invariants must hold over the course of a given fuzzing campaign, but that doesn’t mean they must hold true in every situation. There is the possibility for certain invariants to be introduced/removed in a given scenario (e.g., during a liquidation).
It is not recommended to introduce conditional logic into invariant assertions because they have the possibility of introducing false positives because of an incorrect code path. For example:
function invariant_example() external {
if (protocolCondition) return;
assertEq(val1, val2);
In this situation, if protocolCondition == true
, the invariant is not asserted at all. Sometimes this can be desired behavior, but it can cause issues if the protocolCondition
is true for the whole fuzzing campaign unexpectedly, or there is a logic error in the condition itself. For this reason its better to try and define an alternative invariant for that condition as well, for example:
function invariant_example() external {
if (protocolCondition) {
assertLe(val1, val2);
assertEq(val1, val2);
Another approach to handle different invariants across protocol states is to utilize dedicated invariant testing contracts for different scenarios. These scenarios can be bootstrapped using the setUp
function, but it is more powerful to leverage invariant targets to govern the fuzzer to behave in a way that will only yield certain results (e.g., avoid liquidations).
Invariant Targets
Target Contracts: The set of contracts that will be called over the course of a given invariant test fuzzing campaign. This set of contracts defaults to all contracts that were deployed in the setUp
function, but can be customized to allow for more advanced invariant testing.
Target Senders: The invariant test fuzzer picks values for msg.sender
at random when performing fuzz campaigns to simulate multiple actors in a system by default. If desired, the set of senders can be customized in the setUp
Target Interfaces: The set of addresses and their project identifiers that are not deployed during setUp
but fuzzed in a forked environment (E.g. [(0x1, ["IERC20"]), (0x2, ("IOwnable"))]
). This enables targeting of delegate proxies and contracts deployed with create
or create2
Target Selectors: The set of function selectors that are used by the fuzzer for invariant testing. These can be used to use a subset of functions within a given target contract.
Target Artifacts: The desired ABI to be used for a given contract. These can be used for proxy contract configurations.
Target Artifact Selectors: The desired subset of function selectors to be used within a given ABI to be used for a given contract. These can be used for proxy contract configurations.
Priorities for the invariant fuzzer in the cases of target clashes are:
targetInterfaces | targetSelectors > excludeSelectors | targetArtifactSelectors > excludeContracts | excludeArtifacts > targetContracts | targetArtifacts
Function Call Probability Distribution
Functions from these contracts will be called at random (with a uniformly distributed probability) with fuzzed inputs.
For example:
├─ function1: 20%
└─ function2: 20%
├─ function1: 20%
├─ function2: 20%
└─ function3: 20%
This is something to be mindful of when designing target contracts, as target contracts with less functions will have each function called more often due to this probability distribution.
Invariant Test Helper Functions
Invariant test helper functions are included in
to allow for configurable invariant test setup. The helper functions are outlined below:
Function | Description |
excludeContract(address newExcludedContract_) | Adds a given address to the _excludedContracts array. This set of contracts is explicitly excluded from the target contracts. |
excludeSelector(FuzzSelector memory newExcludedSelector_) | Adds a given FuzzSelector to the _excludedSelectors array. This set of FuzzSelector s is explicitly excluded from the target contract selectors. |
excludeSender(address newExcludedSender_) | Adds a given address to the _excludedSenders array. This set of addresses is explicitly excluded from the target senders. |
excludeArtifact(string memory newExcludedArtifact_) | Adds a given string to the _excludedArtifacts array. This set of strings is explicitly excluded from the target artifacts. |
targetArtifact(string memory newTargetedArtifact_) | Adds a given string to the _targetedArtifacts array. This set of strings is used for the target artifacts. |
targetArtifactSelector(FuzzArtifactSelector memory newTargetedArtifactSelector_) | Adds a given FuzzArtifactSelector to the _targetedArtifactSelectors array. This set of FuzzArtifactSelector s is used for the target artifact selectors. |
targetContract(address newTargetedContract_) | Adds a given address to the _targetedContracts array. This set of addresses is used for the target contracts. This array overwrites the set of contracts that was deployed during the setUp . |
targetSelector(FuzzSelector memory newTargetedSelector_) | Adds a given FuzzSelector to the _targetedSelectors array. This set of FuzzSelector s is used for the target contract selectors. |
targetSender(address newTargetedSender_) | Adds a given address to the _targetedSenders array. This set of addresses is used for the target senders. |
targetInterface(FuzzInterface memory newTargetedInterface_) | Adds a given FuzzInterface to the _targetedInterfaces array. This set of FuzzInterface extends the contracts and selectors to fuzz and enables targeting of addresses that are not deployed during setUp such as when fuzzing in a forked environment. Also enables targeting of delegate proxies and contracts deployed with create or create2 . |
Target Contract Setup
Target contracts can be set up using the following three methods:
- Contracts that are manually added to the
array are added to the set of target contracts. - Contracts that are deployed in the
function are automatically added to the set of target contracts (only works if no contracts have been manually added using option 1). - Contracts that are deployed in the
can be removed from the target contracts if they are added to theexcludeContracts
Open Testing
The default configuration for target contracts is set to all contracts that are deployed during the setup. For smaller modules and more arithmetic contracts, this works well. For example:
contract ExampleContract1 {
uint256 public val1;
uint256 public val2;
uint256 public val3;
function addToA(uint256 amount) external {
val1 += amount;
val3 += amount;
function addToB(uint256 amount) external {
val2 += amount;
val3 += amount;
This contract could be deployed and tested using the default target contract pattern:
contract InvariantExample1 is Test {
ExampleContract1 foo;
function setUp() external {
foo = new ExampleContract1();
function invariant_A() external {
assertEq(foo.val1() + foo.val2(), foo.val3());
function invariant_B() external {
assertGe(foo.val1() + foo.val2(), foo.val3());
This setup will call foo.addToA()
and foo.addToB()
with a 50%-50% probability distribution with fuzzed inputs. Inevitably, the inputs will start to cause overflows and the function calls will start reverting. Since the default configuration in invariant testing is fail_on_revert = false
, this will not cause the tests to fail. The invariants will hold throughout the rest of the fuzzing campaign and the result is that the test will pass. The output will look something like this:
[PASS] invariant_A() (runs: 50, calls: 10000, reverts: 5533)
[PASS] invariant_B() (runs: 50, calls: 10000, reverts: 5533)
Handler-Based Testing
For more complex and integrated protocols, more sophisticated target contract usage is required to achieve the desired results. To illustrate how Handlers can be leveraged, the following contract will be used (an ERC-4626 based contract that accepts deposits of another ERC-20 token):
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.17;
interface IERC20Like {
function balanceOf(address owner_) external view returns (uint256 balance_);
function transferFrom(
address owner_,
address recipient_,
uint256 amount_
) external returns (bool success_);
contract Basic4626Deposit {
/*** Storage ***/
address public immutable asset;
string public name;
string public symbol;
uint8 public immutable decimals;
uint256 public totalSupply;
mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
/*** Constructor ***/
constructor(address asset_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_) {
asset = asset_;
name = name_;
symbol = symbol_;
decimals = decimals_;
/*** External Functions ***/
function deposit(uint256 assets_, address receiver_) external returns (uint256 shares_) {
shares_ = convertToShares(assets_);
require(receiver_ != address(0), "ZERO_RECEIVER");
require(shares_ != uint256(0), "ZERO_SHARES");
require(assets_ != uint256(0), "ZERO_ASSETS");
totalSupply += shares_;
// Cannot overflow because totalSupply would first overflow in the statement above.
unchecked { balanceOf[receiver_] += shares_; }
IERC20Like(asset).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), assets_),
function transfer(address recipient_, uint256 amount_) external returns (bool success_) {
balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount_;
// Cannot overflow because minting prevents overflow of totalSupply,
// and sum of user balances == totalSupply.
unchecked { balanceOf[recipient_] += amount_; }
return true;
/*** Public View Functions ***/
function convertToShares(uint256 assets_) public view returns (uint256 shares_) {
uint256 supply_ = totalSupply; // Cache to stack.
shares_ = supply_ == 0 ? assets_ : (assets_ * supply_) / totalAssets();
function totalAssets() public view returns (uint256 assets_) {
assets_ = IERC20Like(asset).balanceOf(address(this));
Handler Functions
This contract’s deposit
function requires that the caller has a non-zero balance of the ERC-20 asset
. In the Open invariant testing approach, deposit()
and transfer()
would be called with a 50-50% distribution, but they would revert on every call. This would cause the invariant tests to “pass”, but in reality no state was manipulated in the desired contract at all. This is where target contracts can be leveraged. When a contract requires some additional logic in order to function properly, it can be added in a dedicated contract called a Handler
function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {
asset.mint(address(this), assets);
asset.approve(address(token), assets);
uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));
This contract will provide the necessary setup before a function call is made in order to ensure it is successful.
Building on this concept, Handlers can be used to develop more sophisticated invariant tests. With Open invariant testing, the tests run as shown in the diagram below, with random sequences of function calls being made to the protocol contracts directly with fuzzed parameters. This will cause reverts for more complex systems as outlined above.
By manually adding all Handler contracts to the targetContracts
array, all function calls made to protocol contracts can be made in a way that is governed by the Handler to ensure successful calls. This is outlined in the diagram below.
With this layer between the fuzzer and the protocol, more powerful testing can be achieved.
Handler Ghost Variables
Within Handlers, “ghost variables” can be tracked across multiple function calls to add additional information for invariant tests. A good example of this is summing all of the shares
that each LP owns after depositing into the ERC-4626 token as shown above, and using that in the invariant (totalSupply == sumBalanceOf
function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {
asset.mint(address(this), assets);
asset.approve(address(token), assets);
uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));
sumBalanceOf += shares;
Function-Level Assertions
Another benefit is the ability to perform assertions on function calls as they are happening. An example is asserting the ERC-20 balance of the LP has decremented by assets
during the deposit
function call, as well as their LP token balance incrementing by shares
. In this way, handler functions are similar to fuzz tests because they can take in fuzzed inputs, perform state changes, and assert before/after state.
function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {
asset.mint(address(this), assets);
asset.approve(address(token), assets);
uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));
assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);
sumBalanceOf += shares;
Bounded/Unbounded Functions
In addition, with Handlers, input parameters can be bounded to reasonable expected values such that fail_on_revert
in foundry.toml
can be set to true
. This can be accomplished using the bound()
helper function from forge-std
. This ensures that every function call that is being made by the fuzzer must be successful against the protocol in order to get tests to pass. This is very useful for visibility and confidence that the protocol is being tested in the desired way.
function deposit(uint256 assets) external {
assets = bound(assets, 0, 1e30);
asset.mint(address(this), assets);
asset.approve(address(token), assets);
uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));
assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);
sumBalanceOf += shares;
This can also be accomplished by inheriting non-bounded functions from dedicated “unbounded” Handler contracts that can be used for fail_on_revert = false
testing. This type of testing is also useful since it can expose issues in assumptions made with bound
function usage.
// Unbounded
function deposit(uint256 assets) public virtual {
asset.mint(address(this), assets);
asset.approve(address(token), assets);
uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));
assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);
sumBalanceOf += shares;
// Bounded
function deposit(uint256 assets) external {
assets = bound(assets, 0, 1e30);
Actor Management
In the function calls above, it can be seen that address(this)
is the sole depositor in the ERC-4626 contract, which is not a realistic representation of its intended use. By leveraging the prank
cheatcodes in forge-std
, each Handler can manage a set of actors and use them to perform the same function call from different msg.sender
addresses. This can be accomplished using the following modifier:
address[] public actors;
address internal currentActor;
modifier useActor(uint256 actorIndexSeed) {
currentActor = actors[bound(actorIndexSeed, 0, actors.length - 1)];
Using multiple actors allows for more granular ghost variable usage as well. This is demonstrated in the functions below:
// Unbounded
function deposit(
uint256 assets,
uint256 actorIndexSeed
) public virtual useActor(actorIndexSeed) {
asset.mint(currentActor, assets);
asset.approve(address(token), assets);
uint256 beforeBalance = asset.balanceOf(address(this));
uint256 shares = token.deposit(assets, address(this));
assertEq(asset.balanceOf(address(this)), beforeBalance - assets);
sumBalanceOf += shares;
sumDeposits[currentActor] += assets
// Bounded
function deposit(uint256 assets, uint256 actorIndexSeed) external {
assets = bound(assets, 0, 1e30);
super.deposit(assets, actorIndexSeed);
Differential Testing
Forge can be used for differential testing and differential fuzzing. You can even test against non-EVM executables using the ffi
Differential testing cross references multiple implementations of the same function by comparing each one’s output. Imagine we have a function specification F(X)
, and two implementations of that specification: f1(X)
and f2(X)
. We expect f1(x) == f2(x)
for all x that exist in an appropriate input space. If f1(x) != f2(x)
, we know that at least one function is incorrectly implementing F(X)
. This process of testing for equality and identifying discrepancies is the core of differential testing.
Differential fuzzing is an extension of differential testing. Differential fuzzing programmatically generates many values of x
to find discrepancies and edge cases that manually chosen inputs might not reveal.
Note: the
operator in this case can be a custom definition of equality. For example, if testing floating point implementations, you might use approximate equality with a certain tolerance.
Some real life uses of this type of testing include:
- Comparing upgraded implementations to their predecessors
- Testing code against known reference implementations
- Confirming compatibility with third party tools and dependencies
Below are some examples of how Forge is used for differential testing.
Primer: The ffi
allows you to execute an arbitrary shell command and capture the output. Here’s a mock example:
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
contract TestContract is Test {
function testMyFFI () public {
string[] memory cmds = new string[](2);
cmds[0] = "cat";
cmds[1] = "address.txt"; // assume contains abi-encoded address.
bytes memory result = vm.ffi(cmds);
address loadedAddress = abi.decode(result, (address));
// Do something with the address
// ...
An address has previously been written to address.txt
, and we read it in using the FFI cheatcode. This data can now be used throughout your test contract.
Example: Differential Testing Merkle Tree Implementations
Merkle Trees are a cryptographic commitment scheme frequently used in blockchain applications. Their popularity has led to a number of different implementations of Merkle Tree generators, provers, and verifiers. Merkle roots and proofs are often generated using a language like JavaScript or Python, while proof verification usually occurs on-chain in Solidity.
Murky is a complete implementation of Merkle roots, proofs, and verification in Solidity. Its test suite includes differential tests against OpenZeppelin’s Merkle proof library, as well as root generation tests against a reference JavaScript implementation. These tests are powered by Foundry’s fuzzing and ffi
Differential fuzzing against a reference TypeScript implementation
Using the ffi
cheatcode, Murky tests its own Merkle root implementation against a TypeScript implementation using data provided by Forge’s fuzzer:
function testMerkleRootMatchesJSImplementationFuzzed(bytes32[] memory leaves) public {
vm.assume(leaves.length > 1);
bytes memory packed = abi.encodePacked(leaves);
string[] memory runJsInputs = new string[](8);
// Build ffi command string
runJsInputs[0] = 'npm';
runJsInputs[1] = '--prefix';
runJsInputs[2] = 'differential_testing/scripts/';
runJsInputs[3] = '--silent';
runJsInputs[4] = 'run';
runJsInputs[5] = 'generate-root-cli';
runJsInputs[6] = leaves.length.toString();
runJsInputs[7] = packed.toHexString();
// Run command and capture output
bytes memory jsResult = vm.ffi(runJsInputs);
bytes32 jsGeneratedRoot = abi.decode(jsResult, (bytes32));
// Calculate root using Murky
bytes32 murkyGeneratedRoot = m.getRoot(leaves);
assertEq(murkyGeneratedRoot, jsGeneratedRoot);
Note: see
in the Murky Repo for the library that enables(bytes memory).toHexString()
Forge runs npm --prefix differential_testing/scripts/ --silent run generate-root-cli {numLeaves} {hexEncodedLeaves}
. This calculates the Merkle root for the input data using the reference JavaScript implementation. The script prints the root to stdout, and that printout is captured as bytes
in the return value of vm.ffi()
The test then calculates the root using the Solidity implementation.
Finally, the test asserts that the both roots are exactly equal. If they are not equal, the test fails.
Differential fuzzing against OpenZeppelin’s Merkle Proof Library
You may want to use differential testing against another Solidity implementation. In that case, ffi
is not needed. Instead, the reference implementation is imported directly into the test.
import {MerkleProof} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/cryptography/MerkleProof.sol";
function testCompatibilityOpenZeppelinProver(bytes32[] memory _data, uint256 node) public {
vm.assume(_data.length > 1);
vm.assume(node < _data.length);
bytes32 root = m.getRoot(_data);
bytes32[] memory proof = m.getProof(_data, node);
bytes32 valueToProve = _data[node];
bool murkyVerified = m.verifyProof(root, proof, valueToProve);
bool ozVerified = MerkleProof.verify(proof, root, valueToProve);
assertTrue(murkyVerified == ozVerified);
Differential testing against a known edge case
Differential tests are not always fuzzed – they are also useful for testing known edge cases. In the case of the Murky codebase, the initial implementation of the log2ceil
function did not work for certain arrays whose lengths were close to a power of 2 (like 129). As a safety check, a test is always run against an array of this length and compared to the TypeScript implementation. You can see the full test here.
Standardized Testing against reference data
FFI is also useful for injecting reproducible, standardized data into the testing environment. In the Murky library, this is used as a benchmark for gas snapshotting (see forge snapshot).
bytes32[100] data;
uint256[8] leaves = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 69, 88];
function setUp() public {
string[] memory inputs = new string[](2);
inputs[0] = "cat";
inputs[1] = "src/test/standard_data/StandardInput.txt";
bytes memory result = vm.ffi(inputs);
data = abi.decode(result, (bytes32[100]));
m = new Merkle();
function testMerkleGenerateProofStandard() public view {
bytes32[] memory _data = _getData();
for (uint i = 0; i < leaves.length; ++i) {
m.getProof(_data, leaves[i]);
is a text file that contains an encoded bytes32[100]
array. It’s generated outside of the test and can be used in any language’s Web3 SDK. It looks something like:
The standardized testing contract reads in the file using ffi
. It decodes the data into an array and then, in this example, generates proofs for 8 different leaves. Because the data is constant and standard, we can meaningfully measure gas and performance improvements using this test.
Of course, one could just hardcode the array into the test! But that makes it much harder to do consistent testing across contracts, implementations, etc.
Example: Differential Testing Gradual Dutch Auctions
The reference implementation for Paradigm’s Gradual Dutch Auction mechanism contains a number of differential, fuzzed tests. It is an excellent repository to further explore differential testing using ffi
- Differential tests for Discrete GDAs
- Differential tests for Continuous GDAs
- Reference Python implementation
Reference Repositories
If you have another repository that would serve as a reference, please contribute it!
Forge can deploy smart contracts to a given network with the forge create
Forge CLI can deploy only one contract at a time.
For deploying and verifying multiple smart contracts in one go, Forge’s Solidity scripting would be the more efficient approach.
To deploy a contract, you must provide a RPC URL (env: ETH_RPC_URL
) and the private key of the account that will deploy the contract.
To deploy MyContract
to a network:
$ forge create --zksync --rpc-url <your_rpc_url> --private-key <your_private_key> src/MyContract.sol:MyContract
Deployer: 0xa735b3c25f...
Deployed to: 0x4054415432...
Transaction hash: 0x6b4e0ff93a...
Solidity files may contain multiple contracts. :MyContract
above specifies which contract to deploy from the src/MyContract.sol
Use the --constructor-args
flag to pass arguments to the constructor:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import {ERC20} from "solmate/tokens/ERC20.sol";
contract MyToken is ERC20 {
string memory name,
string memory symbol,
uint8 decimals,
uint256 initialSupply
) ERC20(name, symbol, decimals) {
_mint(msg.sender, initialSupply);
Additionally, we can tell Forge to verify our contract on Etherscan, Sourcify or Blockscout, if the network is supported, by passing --verify
$ forge create --zksync \
--rpc-url <your_rpc_url> \
--constructor-args "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000 \
--private-key <your_private_key> \
--etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key> \
--verify \
Verifying a pre-existing contract
It is recommended to use the --verify
flag with forge create
to automatically verify the contract on explorer after a deployment.
Note that for Etherscan ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
must be set.
If you are verifying an already deployed contract, read on.
You can verify a contract on Etherscan, Sourcify, oklink or Blockscout with the forge verify-contract
You must provide:
- the contract address
- the contract name or the path to the contract
- your Etherscan API key (env:
) (if verifying on Etherscan).
Moreover, you may need to provide:
- the constructor arguments in the ABI-encoded format, if there are any
- compiler version used for build, with 8 hex digits from the commit version prefix (the commit will usually not be a nightly build). It is auto-detected if not specified.
- the number of optimizations, if the Solidity optimizer was activated. It is auto-detected if not specified.
- the chain ID, if the contract is not on Ethereum Mainnet
Let’s say you want to verify MyToken
(see above). You set the number of optimizations to 1 million, compiled it with v0.8.10, and deployed it, as shown above, to the Sepolia testnet (chain ID: 11155111). Note that --num-of-optimizations
will default to 0 if not set on verification, while it defaults to 200 if not set on deployment, so make sure you pass --num-of-optimizations 200
if you left the default compilation settings.
Here’s how to verify it:
forge verify-contract \
--zksync \
--chain-id 11155111 \
--num-of-optimizations 1000000 \
--watch \
--constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint256,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000) \
--etherscan-api-key <your_etherscan_api_key> \
--compiler-version v0.8.10+commit.fc410830 \
<the_contract_address> \
Submitted contract for verification:
Response: `OK`
GUID: `a6yrbjp5prvakia6bqp5qdacczyfhkyi5j1r6qbds1js41ak1a`
url: https://sepolia.etherscan.io//address/0x6a54…3a4c#code
It is recommended to use the --watch
flag along
with verify-contract
command in order to poll for the verification result.
If the --watch
flag was not supplied, you can check
the verification status with the forge verify-check
$ forge verify-check --zksync --chain-id 11155111 <GUID> <your_etherscan_api_key>
Contract successfully verified.
💡 Tip
Use Cast’s
to ABI-encode arguments.In this example, we ran
cast abi-encode "constructor(string,string,uint8,uint256)" "ForgeUSD" "FUSD" 18 1000000000000000000000
to ABI-encode the arguments.
missing hex prefix ("0x") for hex string
Make sure the private key string begins with 0x
EIP-1559 not activated
EIP-1559 is not supported or not activated on the RPC server. Pass the --legacy
flag to use legacy transactions instead of the EIP-1559 ones. If you do development in a local environment, you can use Hardhat instead of Ganache.
Failed to parse tokens
Make sure the passed arguments are of correct type.
Signature error
Make sure the private key is correct.
Compiler version commit for verify
If you want to check the exact commit you are running locally, try: ~/.svm/0.x.y/solc-0.x.y --version
where x
are major and minor version numbers respectively. The output of this will be something like:
solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface
Version: 0.8.12+commit.f00d7308.Darwin.appleclang
Note: You cannot just paste the entire string “0.8.12+commit.f00d7308.Darwin.appleclang” as the argument for the compiler-version. But you can use the 8 hex digits of the commit to look up exactly what you should copy and paste from compiler version.
Known Issues
Verifying Contracts With Ambiguous Import Paths
Forge passes source directories (src
, lib
, test
etc) as --include-path
arguments to the compiler.
This means that given the following project tree
|- src
|-- folder
|--- Contract.sol
|--- IContract.sol
it is possible to import IContract
inside the Contract.sol
using folder/IContract.sol
import path.
Etherscan is not able to recompile such sources. Consider changing the imports to use relative import path.
Verifying Contracts With No Bytecode Hash
Currently, it’s not possible to verify contracts on Etherscan with bytecode_hash
set to none
Click here to learn more about
how metadata hash is used for source code verification.
Gas Tracking
🚨 Important
Gas tracking may not be entirely accurate in the ZKsync context. This is mostly due to the additional overhead to executing each
in its own zkEVM which has additional bootloader gas costs.
Forge can help you estimate how much gas your contract will consume.
Currently, Forge ships with two different tools for this job, but they may be merged in the future:
- Gas reports: Gas reports give you an overview of how much Forge thinks the individual functions in your contracts will consume in gas.
- Gas snapshots: Gas snapshots give you an overview of how much each test consumes in gas.
Gas reports and gas snapshots differ in some ways:
- Gas reports use tracing to figure out gas costs for individual contract calls.
This gives more granular insight, at the cost of speed. - Gas snapshots have more built-in tools, such as diffs and exporting the results to a file.
Snapshots are not as granular as gas reports, but they are faster to generate.
Gas Reports
🚨 Important
Gas reports may not be entirely accurate in the ZKsync context. This is mostly due to the additional overhead to executing each
in its own zkEVM which has additional bootloader gas costs.
Forge can produce gas reports for your contracts. You can configure which contracts output gas reports via the gas_reports
field in foundry.toml
To produce reports for specific contracts:
gas_reports = ["MyContract", "MyContractFactory"]
To produce reports for all contracts:
gas_reports = ["*"]
To generate gas reports, run forge test --gas-report
You can also use it in combination with other subcommands, such as forge test --match-test testBurn --gas-report
, to generate only a gas report relevant to this test.
Example output:
│ MockERC1155 contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ 1082720 ┆ 5440 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │
│ balanceOf ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 44 │
│ balanceOfBatch ┆ 2363 ┆ 4005 ┆ 4005 ┆ 5647 ┆ 2 │
│ batchBurn ┆ 2126 ┆ 5560 ┆ 2584 ┆ 11970 ┆ 3 │
│ batchMint ┆ 2444 ┆ 135299 ┆ 125081 ┆ 438531 ┆ 18 │
│ burn ┆ 814 ┆ 2117 ┆ 2117 ┆ 3421 ┆ 2 │
│ isApprovedForAll ┆ 749 ┆ 749 ┆ 749 ┆ 749 ┆ 1 │
│ mint ┆ 26039 ┆ 31943 ┆ 27685 ┆ 118859 ┆ 22 │
│ safeBatchTransferFrom ┆ 2561 ┆ 137750 ┆ 126910 ┆ 461304 ┆ 8 │
│ safeTransferFrom ┆ 1335 ┆ 34505 ┆ 28103 ┆ 139557 ┆ 9 │
│ setApprovalForAll ┆ 24485 ┆ 24485 ┆ 24485 ┆ 24485 ┆ 12 │
│ Example contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ 1082720 ┆ 5440 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │
│ foo ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 44 │
│ bar ┆ 2363 ┆ 4005 ┆ 4005 ┆ 5647 ┆ 2 │
│ baz ┆ 2126 ┆ 5560 ┆ 2584 ┆ 11970 ┆ 3 │
You can also ignore contracts via the gas_reports_ignore
field in foundry.toml
gas_reports_ignore = ["Example"]
This would change the output to:
│ MockERC1155 contract ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Deployment Cost ┆ Deployment Size ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ 1082720 ┆ 5440 ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ │
│ Function Name ┆ min ┆ avg ┆ median ┆ max ┆ # calls │
│ balanceOf ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 596 ┆ 44 │
│ balanceOfBatch ┆ 2363 ┆ 4005 ┆ 4005 ┆ 5647 ┆ 2 │
│ batchBurn ┆ 2126 ┆ 5560 ┆ 2584 ┆ 11970 ┆ 3 │
│ batchMint ┆ 2444 ┆ 135299 ┆ 125081 ┆ 438531 ┆ 18 │
│ burn ┆ 814 ┆ 2117 ┆ 2117 ┆ 3421 ┆ 2 │
│ isApprovedForAll ┆ 749 ┆ 749 ┆ 749 ┆ 749 ┆ 1 │
│ mint ┆ 26039 ┆ 31943 ┆ 27685 ┆ 118859 ┆ 22 │
│ safeBatchTransferFrom ┆ 2561 ┆ 137750 ┆ 126910 ┆ 461304 ┆ 8 │
│ safeTransferFrom ┆ 1335 ┆ 34505 ┆ 28103 ┆ 139557 ┆ 9 │
│ setApprovalForAll ┆ 24485 ┆ 24485 ┆ 24485 ┆ 24485 ┆ 12 │
Gas Snapshots
🚨 Important
Gas snapshots may not be entirely accurate in the ZKsync context. This is mostly due to the > additional overhead to executing each
in its own zkEVM which has additional bootloader gas costs.
Forge can generate gas snapshots for all your test functions. This can be useful to get a general feel for how much gas your contract will consume, or to compare gas usage before and after various optimizations.
To generate the gas snapshot, run forge snapshot
This will generate a file called .gas-snapshot
by default with all your
tests and their respective gas usage.
$ forge snapshot
$ cat .gas-snapshot
ERC20Test:testApprove() (gas: 31162)
ERC20Test:testBurn() (gas: 59875)
ERC20Test:testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 81034)
ERC20Test:testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 81662)
ERC20Test:testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 52882)
ERC20Test:testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 90167)
ERC20Test:testMetadata() (gas: 14606)
ERC20Test:testMint() (gas: 53830)
ERC20Test:testTransfer() (gas: 60473)
ERC20Test:testTransferFrom() (gas: 84152)
If you would like to specify a different output file, run forge snapshot --snap <FILE_NAME>
You can also sort the results by gas usage. Use the --asc
option to sort the results in
ascending order and --desc
to sort the results in descending order.
Finally, you can also specify a min/max gas threshold for all your tests.
To only include results above a threshold, you can use the --min <VALUE>
In the same way, to only include results under a threshold,
you can use the --max <VALUE>
Keep in mind that the changes will be made in the snapshot file, and not in the snapshot being displayed on your screen.
You can also use it in combination with the filters for forge test
, such as forge snapshot --match-path contracts/test/ERC721.t.sol
to generate a gas snapshot relevant to this test contract.
Comparing gas usage
If you would like to compare the current snapshot file with your
latest changes, you can use the --diff
or --check
will compare against the snapshot and display changes from the snapshot.
It can also optionally take a file name (--diff <FILE_NAME>
), with the default
being .gas-snapshot
For example:
$ forge snapshot --diff .gas-snapshot2
Running 10 tests for src/test/ERC20.t.sol:ERC20Test
[PASS] testApprove() (gas: 31162)
[PASS] testBurn() (gas: 59875)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 81034)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 81662)
[PASS] testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 52882)
[PASS] testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 90167)
[PASS] testMetadata() (gas: 14606)
[PASS] testMint() (gas: 53830)
[PASS] testTransfer() (gas: 60473)
[PASS] testTransferFrom() (gas: 84152)
Test result: ok. 10 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.86ms
testBurn() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testMetadata() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testMint() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testTransfer() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testTransferFrom() (gas: 0 (0.000%))
testApprove() (gas: -8 (-0.000%))
Overall gas change: -8 (-0.000%)
will compare a snapshot with an existing snapshot file and display all the
differences, if any. You can change the file to compare against by providing a different file name: --check <FILE_NAME>
For example:
$ forge snapshot --check .gas-snapshot2
Running 10 tests for src/test/ERC20.t.sol:ERC20Test
[PASS] testApprove() (gas: 31162)
[PASS] testBurn() (gas: 59875)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientAllowance() (gas: 81034)
[PASS] testFailTransferFromInsufficientBalance() (gas: 81662)
[PASS] testFailTransferInsufficientBalance() (gas: 52882)
[PASS] testInfiniteApproveTransferFrom() (gas: 90167)
[PASS] testMetadata() (gas: 14606)
[PASS] testMint() (gas: 53830)
[PASS] testTransfer() (gas: 60473)
[PASS] testTransferFrom() (gas: 84152)
Test result: ok. 10 passed; 0 failed; finished in 2.47ms
Diff in "ERC20Test::testApprove()": consumed "(gas: 31162)" gas, expected "(gas: 31170)" gas
Overview of Cast
Cast is Foundry’s command-line tool for performing Ethereum RPC calls. You can make smart contract calls, send transactions, or retrieve any type of chain data - all from your command-line!
How to use Cast
To use Cast, run the cast
command followed by a subcommand:
$ cast <subcommand>
Let’s use cast
to retrieve the total supply of the DAI token:
$ cast call 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f "totalSupply()(uint256)" --rpc-url https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/Lc7oIGYeL_QvInzI0Wiu_pOZZDEKBrdf
3338494023396745040798570503 [3.338e27]
also provides many convenient subcommands, such as for decoding calldata:
$ cast 4byte-decode 0x1F1F897F676d00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003e7
1) "fulfillRandomness(bytes32,uint256)"
You can also use cast
to send arbitrary messages. Here’s an example of sending a message between two Anvil accounts.
$ cast send --private-key <Your Private Key> 0x3c44cdddb6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12fa4293bc $(cast from-utf8 "hello world") --rpc-url
📚 Reference
See the
Reference for a complete overview of all the available subcommands.
Overview of Anvil
Anvil is a local testnet node shipped with Foundry. You can use it for testing your contracts from frontends or for interacting over RPC.
Officially we do not support anvil for ZKsync related operations.
An alternative to anvil is current recommended in ZKsync Era In-Memory Node
Overview of Chisel
Chisel is an advanced Solidity REPL shipped with Foundry. It can be used to quickly test the behavior of Solidity snippets on a local or forked network.
Officially we do not support chisel for ZKsync related operations.
Configuring with foundry.toml
Forge can be configured using a configuration file called foundry.toml
, which is placed in the root of your project.
Configuration can be namespaced by profiles. The default profile is named default
, from which all other profiles inherit. You are free to customize the default
profile, and add as many new profiles as you need.
Additionally, you can create a global foundry.toml
in your home directory.
Let’s take a look at a configuration file that contains two profiles: the default profile, which always enables the optimizer, as well as a CI profile, that always displays traces:
optimizer = true
optimizer_runs = 20_000
verbosity = 4
When running forge
, you can specify the profile to use using the FOUNDRY_PROFILE
environment variable.
Standalone sections
Besides the profile sections, the configuration file can also contain standalone sections ([fmt]
, [fuzz]
, [invariant]
etc). By default, each standalone section belongs to the default
i.e. [fmt]
is equivalent to [profile.default.fmt]
To configure the standalone section for different profiles other than default
, use syntax [profile.<profile name>.<standalone>]
i.e. [profile.ci.fuzz]
📚 Reference
See the
Reference for a complete overview of what you can configure.
Creating an NFT with Solmate
This tutorial will walk you through creating an OpenSea compatible NFT with Foundry ZKsync and Solmate. A full implementation of this tutorial can be found here.
This tutorial is for illustrative purposes only and provided on an as-is basis. The tutorial is not audited nor fully tested. No code in this tutorial should be used in a production environment.
Create project and install dependencies
Start by setting up a Foundry project following the steps outlined in the Getting started section. We will also install Solmate for their ERC721 implementation, as well as some OpenZeppelin utility libraries. Install the dependencies by running the following commands from the root of your project:
forge install transmissions11/solmate Openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts
These dependencies will be added as git submodules to your project.
Implement a basic NFT
Next, we will remove the boilerplate contracts found in src/Counter.sol
, test/Counter.t.sol
, and script/Counter.s.sol
. After that, create a new file in the src/
directory named NFT.sol
and replace its content with the following code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
contract NFT is ERC721 {
uint256 public currentTokenId;
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol
) ERC721(_name, _symbol) {}
function mintTo(address recipient) public payable returns (uint256) {
uint256 newItemId = ++currentTokenId;
_safeMint(recipient, newItemId);
return newItemId;
function tokenURI(uint256 id) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
return Strings.toString(id);
Let’s take a look at this very basic implementation of an NFT. We start by importing two contracts from our git submodules. We import solmate’s gas optimized implementation of the ERC721 standard which our NFT contract will inherit from. Our constructor takes the _name
and _symbol
arguments for our NFT and passes them on to the constructor of the parent ERC721 implementation. Lastly we implement the mintTo
function which allows anyone to mint an NFT. This function increments the currentTokenId
and makes use of the _safeMint
function of our parent contract.
Compile & deploy with forge
To compile the NFT contract run forge build --zksync
. You might experience a build failure due to wrong mapping:
Compiler run failed
error[6275]: ParserError: Source "lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol" not found: File not found. Searched the following locations: "/PATH/TO/REPO".
--> src/NFT.sol:5:1:
5 | import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
this can be fixed by setting up the correct remapping. Create a file remappings.txt
in your project and add the line
(You can find out more on remappings in the dependencies documentation.
By default the compiler output will be in the zkout
directory. To deploy our compiled contract with Forge we have to set environment variables for the RPC endpoint and the private key we want to use to deploy.
Set your environment variables by running:
export RPC_URL=<Your RPC endpoint>
export PRIVATE_KEY=<Your wallets private key>
Once set, you can deploy your NFT with Forge by running the below command while adding the relevant constructor arguments to the NFT contract:
forge create NFT --rpc-url=$RPC_URL --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY --constructor-args <name> <symbol> --zksync
If successfully deployed, you will see the deploying wallet’s address, the contract’s address as well as the transaction hash printed to your terminal.
Minting NFTs from your contract
Calling functions on your NFT contract is made simple with Cast, Foundry’s command-line tool for interacting with smart contracts, sending transactions, and getting chain data. Let’s have a look at how we can use it to mint NFTs from our NFT contract.
Given that you already set your RPC and private key env variables during deployment, mint an NFT from your contract by running:
cast send --rpc-url=$RPC_URL <contractAddress> "mintTo(address)" <arg> --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY
Well done! You just minted your first NFT from your contract. You can sanity check the owner of the NFT with currentTokenId
equal to 1 by running the below cast call
command. The address you provided above should be returned as the owner.
cast call --rpc-url=$RPC_URL --private-key=$PRIVATE_KEY <contractAddress> "ownerOf(uint256)" 1
Extending our NFT contract functionality and testing
Let’s extend our NFT by adding metadata to represent the content of our NFTs, as well as set a minting price, a maximum supply and the possibility to withdraw the collected proceeds from minting. To follow along you can replace your current NFT contract with the code snippet below:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {Ownable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
error MintPriceNotPaid();
error MaxSupply();
error NonExistentTokenURI();
error WithdrawTransfer();
contract NFT is ERC721, Ownable {
using Strings for uint256;
string public baseURI;
uint256 public currentTokenId;
uint256 public constant TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10_000;
uint256 public constant MINT_PRICE = 0.08 ether;
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
string memory _baseURI
) ERC721(_name, _symbol) Ownable(msg.sender) {
baseURI = _baseURI;
function mintTo(address recipient) public payable returns (uint256) {
if (msg.value != MINT_PRICE) {
revert MintPriceNotPaid();
uint256 newTokenId = currentTokenId + 1;
if (newTokenId > TOTAL_SUPPLY) {
revert MaxSupply();
currentTokenId = newTokenId;
_safeMint(recipient, newTokenId);
return newTokenId;
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
returns (string memory)
if (ownerOf(tokenId) == address(0)) {
revert NonExistentTokenURI();
bytes(baseURI).length > 0
? string(abi.encodePacked(baseURI, tokenId.toString()))
: "";
function withdrawPayments(address payable payee) external onlyOwner {
if (address(this).balance == 0) {
revert WithdrawTransfer();
(bool success, ) = payable(payee).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
require(success, "Transfer failed");
function _checkOwner() internal view override {
require(msg.sender == owner(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner");
Among other things, we have added metadata that can be queried from any front-end application like OpenSea, by calling the tokenURI
method on our NFT contract.
Note: If you want to provide a real URL to the constructor at deployment, and host the metadata of this NFT contract please follow the steps outlined here.
Let’s test some of this added functionality to make sure it works as intended. Foundry offers an extremely fast EVM native testing framework through Forge.
Within your test folder create the test file NFT.t.sol
. This file will contain all tests regarding the NFT’s mintTo
method. Next, replace the existing boilerplate code with the below:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {NFT} from "../src/NFT.sol";
contract NFTTest is Test {
using stdStorage for StdStorage;
NFT private nft;
function setUp() public {
// Deploy NFT contract
nft = new NFT("NFT_tutorial", "TUT", "baseUri");
function test_RevertMintWithoutValue() public {
// Make use of an address outside of the reserved address range
function test_MintPricePaid() public {
// Make use of an address outside of the reserved address range
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(68536));
function test_RevertMintMaxSupplyReached() public {
uint256 slot = stdstore
bytes32 loc = bytes32(slot);
bytes32 mockedCurrentTokenId = bytes32(abi.encode(10000));
vm.store(address(nft), loc, mockedCurrentTokenId);
// Make use of an address outside of the reserved address range
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(65536));
function test_RevertMintToZeroAddress() public {
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(0));
function test_NewMintOwnerRegistered() public {
// Make use of an address outside of the reserved address range
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(68536));
uint256 slotOfNewOwner = stdstore
uint160 ownerOfTokenIdOne = uint160(
(vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(abi.encode(slotOfNewOwner))))
assertEq(address(ownerOfTokenIdOne), address(68536));
function test_BalanceIncremented() public {
// Make use of an address outside of the reserved address range
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(68536));
uint256 slotBalance = stdstore
uint256 balanceFirstMint = uint256(
vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(slotBalance))
assertEq(balanceFirstMint, 1);
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(68536));
uint256 balanceSecondMint = uint256(
vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(slotBalance))
assertEq(balanceSecondMint, 2);
function test_SafeContractReceiver() public {
Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(receiver));
uint256 slotBalance = stdstore
uint256 balance = uint256(vm.load(address(nft), bytes32(slotBalance)));
assertEq(balance, 1);
function test_RevertUnSafeContractReceiver() public {
// Make use of an address outside of the reserved address range
// Ensure bytecode is divisible by 32
vm.etch(address(65538), bytes.concat(bytes("mock code"), new bytes(23)));
nft.mintTo{value: 0.08 ether}(address(65538));
function test_WithdrawalWorksAsOwner() public {
// Mint an NFT, sending eth to the contract
Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
address payable payee = payable(address(65539));
uint256 priorPayeeBalance = payee.balance;
nft.mintTo{value: nft.MINT_PRICE()}(address(receiver));
// Check that the balance of the contract is correct
assertEq(address(nft).balance, nft.MINT_PRICE());
uint256 nftBalance = address(nft).balance;
// Withdraw the balance and assert it was transferred
assertEq(payee.balance, priorPayeeBalance + nftBalance);
function test_WithdrawalFailsAsNotOwner() public {
// Mint an NFT, sending eth to the contract
Receiver receiver = new Receiver();
nft.mintTo{value: nft.MINT_PRICE()}(address(receiver));
// Check that the balance of the contract is correct
assertEq(address(nft).balance, nft.MINT_PRICE());
// Confirm that a non-owner cannot withdraw
vm.expectRevert("Ownable: caller is not the owner");
contract Receiver is ERC721TokenReceiver {
function onERC721Received(
address operator,
address from,
uint256 id,
bytes calldata data
) external override returns (bytes4) {
return this.onERC721Received.selector;
The test suite is set up as a contract with a setUp
method which runs before every individual test.
As you can see, Forge offers a number of cheatcodes to manipulate state to accommodate your testing scenario.
For example, our testFailMaxSupplyReached
test checks that an attempt to mint fails when the max supply of NFT is reached. Thus, the currentTokenId
of the NFT contract needs to be set to the max supply by using the store cheatcode which allows you to write data to your contracts storage slots. The storage slots you wish to write to can easily be found using the
helper library. You can run the test with the following command:
forge test --zksync
If you want to put your Forge skills to practice, write tests for the remaining methods of our NFT contract. Feel free to PR them to nft-tutorial, where you will find the full implementation of this tutorial.
That’s it, I hope this will give you a good practical basis of how to get started with foundry. We think there is no better way to deeply understand solidity than writing your tests in solidity. You will also experience less context switching between javascript and solidity. Happy coding!
Deterministic deployment using CREATE2 on ZKsync
Enshrined into the EVM as part of the Constantinople fork of 2019, CREATE2
is an opcode that started its journey as EIP-1014.
allows you to deploy smart contracts to deterministic addresses, based on parameters controlled by the deployer.
As a result, it’s often mentioned as enabling “counterfactual” deployments, where you can interact with an addresses that haven’t been created yet because CREATE2
guarantees known code can be placed at that address.
This is in contrast to the CREATE
opcode, where the address of the deployed contract is a function of the deployer’s nonce.
, you can use the same deployer account to deploy contracts to the same address across multiple networks, even if the address has varying nonces.
ℹ️ Note This guide is intended to help understand
. In most use cases, you won’t need to write and use your own deployer, and can use an existing deterministic deployer (new MyContract{salt: salt}()
In this tutorial, we will:
- Look at a
factory implementation. - Deploy the factory using the traditional deployment methods.
- Use this deployed factory to in turn deploy a simple counter contract at a deterministic address.
- Simulate this set of events by writing a simple test using Foundry ZKsync.
Some familiarity with Solidity and Foundry is required, and some familiarity with inline assembly is recommended. Refer to the official Solidity docs for a primer on inline assembly.
Make sure you have Foundry ZKsync installed on your system.
Initialize a new Foundry project.
Install the ZKsync contracts by running the following command in your project directory:
forge install matter-labs/era-contracts
CREATE2 Factory
Create a file named Create2ZK.sol
Inside the src
Initialize a contract named Create2ZK
like this:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
contract Create2ZK {
error Create2FailedDeployment();
The error is meant to enforce some sanity checks on the factory deployment, and revert the whole transaction when triggered.
The Create2FailedDeployment()
error triggers if the deployment fails for any reason.
ℹ️ Note
Please note that a
deployment may fail due to a number of reasons. For example, if the bytecodeHash is invalid, or if a contract is already deployed at the computed address. Your deployment may also fail if your constructor reverts for any reason.
Next, create a function named deploy
function deploy(bytes32 salt, bytes32 bytecodeHash, bytes calldata inputData) external payable returns (address addr) {
This function takes 3 inputs:
- The
used to calculate the final address. This can basically be any random value we want it to be. - The
of the contract that we want to deploy. - The
which are the constructor parameters of the contract.
The address of the newly deployed contract is the returned after a successful deploy.
ℹ️ Note
You can send ETH to a contract that is being deployed using
, but only if it has a payable constructor. If you try to send ETH to it without a payable constructor, the transaction will revert.
Next, we will call the create2
function from the ContractDeployer
system contract on ZKsync. This can be done by calling SystemContractsCaller.systemCallWithReturndata
to interact with system contracts:
To call the create2
function, we need to pass in 3 parameters:
(bool success, bytes memory returnData) = SystemContractsCaller
- The salt: This is used to differentiate contract deployments and ensure unique contract addresses. It is a key part of the deterministic address generation in
. - The bytecodeHash: In ZKsync, contracts are deployed using the hash of the bytecode, not the bytecode itself.
- The inputData: This contains the constructor arguments for the contract being deployed. Similar to traditional contract deployment, this field passes the initialization data to the contract being deployed.
Alternatively, instead of writing your own deployment logic, you can leverage the CREATE2Factory.sol
system contract, which simplifies calling the create2
method. In many cases, you won’t need to manually write a deployer function since you can use existing deterministic deployers, such as the CREATE2Factory.sol
system contract, or deploy contracts directly using the new MyContract{salt: salt}()
Here’s an example of how you can use the CREATE2Factory.sol
import {Create2Factory} from "era-contracts/system-contracts/contracts/Create2Factory.sol";
Create2Factory create2Factory = new Create2Factory();
address deployedAddress = create2Factory.create2(
This method allows you to deploy a contract deterministically without having to write the deployment logic from scratch. It handles the create2
call and returns the address of the newly deployed contract.
This approach simplifies the deployment process by using a pre-built deployer contract, making it easier to manage and reuse your deployment logic across different projects.
Finally, if the deployment fails for any reason, you can handle it by reverting the transaction, similar to how you would handle failure in the EVM:
if (!success) {
revert Create2FailedDeployment();
Computing the Contract Address on zkSync
Lastly, we will create a view function named computeAddress
. This function should take in the salt
, bytecodeHash
, and constructorInput
as parameters and return the address of the contract that would be deployed using the deploy
function on ZKsync:
function computeAddress(
address sender,
bytes32 salt,
bytes32 bytecodeHash,
bytes32 constructorInputHash
) external view returns (address addr) {
Inside the function, we’ll use the L2ContractHelper.computeCreate2Address
method, which follows the address calculation logic specific to ZKsync:
import {L2ContractHelper} from "era-contracts/l2-contracts/contracts/L2ContractHelper.sol";
function computeAddress(
address sender,
bytes32 salt,
bytes32 bytecodeHash,
bytes32 constructorInputHash
) external view returns (address addr) {
address computedAddress = L2ContractHelper.computeCreate2Address(
Here’s the breakdown of the parameters and logic used in ZKsync’s CREATE2
address calculation:
- Sender: This refers to the address of the contract (typically the factory contract) calling the
function. - Salt: The
is used to differentiate deployments and ensure unique contract addresses, just like in traditionalCREATE2
usage. - Bytecode Hash: In ZKsync, you must pass the hash of the contract bytecode. This hash must be known to the operator, as the actual bytecode is provided in the
field of the transaction. For more info on this refer to the docs here. - Constructor Input Hash: ZKsync requires the constructor input (or initialization) data to be hashed using
. This hash is then included in the address derivation formula.
The ZKsync-specific address derivation formula differs slightly from Ethereum’s traditional CREATE2
bytes32 hash = keccak256(
CREATE2_PREFIX, // zkSync-specific prefix
bytes32(uint256(uint160(_sender))), // Address of the contract deployer
_salt, // Salt for the deployment
_bytecodeHash, // Hash of the bytecode
constructorInputHash // Hash of the constructor input data
ℹ️ Note
The prefix (
) is specific to ZKsync, helping avoid collisions with Ethereum’sCREATE2
opcode. Thekeccak256
function is used to compute the hash from these components, and the address is derived from this hash.
Finally, we will return the calculated address, ensuring it conforms to the ZKsync address derivation rules:
return address(uint160(uint256(hash)));
Formula Recap
The formula that ZKsync uses to calculate the contract address is:
keccak256(zksyncCreate2 ++ address ++ salt ++ keccak256(bytecode) ++ keccak256(constructorInput))[12:]
is a ZKsync-specific prefix to avoid collisions.address
is the contract deployer’s address.salt
is the deployment salt.keccak256(bytecode)
is the hash of the contract bytecode.keccak256(constructorInput)
is the hash of the constructor data.
These values are concatenated and passed through keccak256
to produce a 32-byte hash, and the last 20 bytes are used as the deployed contract’s address.
ℹ️ Note
You can check out the complete code for this implementation here.
Testing our factory
Create a file named Create2ZK.t.sol
inside the test
directory. Initialize a contract named Create2ZKTest
like this:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Counter} from "../src/Counter.sol";
import {ZKCreate2} from "../src/Create2zk.sol";
import {ACCOUNT_CODE_STORAGE_SYSTEM_CONTRACT} from "era-contracts/system-contracts/contracts/Constants.sol";
contract Create2ZKTest is Test {
Initialize the following state variables and the setUp()
Create2ZK internal create2ZK;
Counter internal counter;
function setUp() public {
create2ZK = new Create2ZK();
counter = new Counter();
Deterministic Deployment Test
We’ll now create a function named testDeterministicDeployment()
to do the following:
- Deploy a new instance of the
contract. - Allocate 100 ETH to the deployer address, using the
cheat code, and impersonate this address with theprank
cheat code. - Set up the
parameters. - Use the
contract to deploy theCounter
contract at a deterministic address using thecreate2
system contract. - Assert that the computed address is equal to the deployed address.
function testDeterministicDeployment() public {
address deployerAddress = address(create2ZK);
// Deal 100 ETH to the deployer address
vm.deal(deployerAddress, 100 ether);
// Set up salt and retrieve bytecode hash
bytes32 salt = "12345";
bytes32 bytecodeHash = ACCOUNT_CODE_STORAGE_SYSTEM_CONTRACT.getRawCodeHash(address(counter));
// Compute the expected address using ZKsync's specific `CREATE2` logic
address expectedAddress = zkCreate2.computeCreate2Address(
keccak256(abi.encode()) // constructor input data hash
// Deploy the contract using the `ZKCreate2` contract
address deployedAddress = create2ZK.deploy(
abi.encode() // constructor input data
// Log the computed and deployed addresses for debugging
console.log("Computed address:", expectedAddress);
console.log("Deployed address:", deployedAddress);
// Assert that the computed address matches the deployed address
assertEq(deployedAddress, expectedAddress);
: This cheat code allocates 100 ETH to the deployer address, allowing it to fund contract deployments.vm.startPrank
: This makes the deployer address impersonate the caller for all subsequent calls, so we simulate real-world deployment scenarios.bytes32 salt
: The salt is used to ensure the deployed contract has a deterministic address.bytes32 bytecodeHash
: We retrieve the bytecode hash of theCounter
to pass it to the ZKsyncCREATE2
: We use this to pass constructor input data, hashed usingkeccak256
: This function computes the expected address based on ZKsync’s deterministic address calculation forCREATE2
: This deploys the contract using ZKsync’sContractDeployer
system contract.
Finally, we assert that the expected address matches the deployed address, ensuring that the contract was deployed deterministically.
Save all your files, and run the test using forge test --match-path test/Create2ZK.t.sol --zksync --enable-eravm-extensions -vvvv
Your test should pass without any errors.
Solidity Scripting
Solidity scripting is a way to declaratively deploy contracts using Solidity, instead of using the more limiting and less user friendly forge create
Solidity scripts are like the scripts you write when working with tools like Hardhat; what makes Solidity scripting different is that they are written in Solidity instead of JavaScript, and they are run on the fast Foundry backend, which provides dry-run capabilities.
High Level Overview
forge script
does not work in a sync manner. First, it collects all transactions from the script, and only then does it broadcast them all. It can essentially be split into 4 phases:
- Local Simulation - The contract script is run in a local evm. If a rpc/fork url has been provided, it will execute the script in that context. Any external call (not static, not internal) from a
will be appended to a list. - Onchain Simulation - Optional. If a rpc/fork url has been provided, then it will sequentially execute all the collected transactions from the previous phase here.
- Broadcasting - Optional. If the
flag is provided and the previous phases have succeeded, it will broadcast the transactions collected at step1
. and simulated at step2
Given this flow, it’s important to be aware that transactions whose behaviour can be influenced by external state/actors might have a different result than what was simulated on step 2
. Eg. frontrunning.
Set Up
Let’s try to deploy the NFT contract made in the solmate tutorial with solidity scripting. First of all, we would need to create a new Foundry project via:
forge init solidity-scripting
Since the NFT contract from the solmate tutorial inherits both solmate
and OpenZeppelin
contracts, we’ll have to install them as dependencies by running:
# Enter the project
cd solidity-scripting
# Install Solmate and OpenZeppelin contracts as dependencies
forge install transmissions11/solmate Openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts@v5.0.1
Next, we have to delete the Counter.sol
file in the src
folder and create another file called NFT.sol
. You can do this by running:
rm src/Counter.sol script/Counter.s.sol test/Counter.t.sol && touch src/NFT.sol && ls src
Once that’s done, you should open up your preferred code editor and copy the code below into the NFT.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity >=0.8.10;
import {ERC721} from "solmate/tokens/ERC721.sol";
import {Ownable} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {Strings} from "openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
error MintPriceNotPaid();
error MaxSupply();
error NonExistentTokenURI();
error WithdrawTransfer();
contract NFT is ERC721, Ownable {
using Strings for uint256;
string public baseURI;
uint256 public currentTokenId;
uint256 public constant TOTAL_SUPPLY = 10_000;
uint256 public constant MINT_PRICE = 0.08 ether;
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
string memory _baseURI
) ERC721(_name, _symbol) Ownable(msg.sender) {
baseURI = _baseURI;
function mintTo(address recipient) public payable returns (uint256) {
if (msg.value != MINT_PRICE) {
revert MintPriceNotPaid();
uint256 newTokenId = ++currentTokenId;
if (newTokenId > TOTAL_SUPPLY) {
revert MaxSupply();
_safeMint(recipient, newTokenId);
return newTokenId;
function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId)
returns (string memory)
if (ownerOf(tokenId) == address(0)) {
revert NonExistentTokenURI();
bytes(baseURI).length > 0
? string(abi.encodePacked(baseURI, tokenId.toString()))
: "";
function withdrawPayments(address payable payee) external onlyOwner {
uint256 balance = address(this).balance;
(bool transferTx, ) = payee.call{value: balance}("");
if (!transferTx) {
revert WithdrawTransfer();
Now, let’s try compiling our contract to make sure everything is in order.
forge build --zksync
If your output looks like this, the contracts successfully compiled.
Deploying our contract
We’re going to deploy the NFT
contract to the ZKsync Sepolia testnet, but to do this we’ll need to configure Foundry ZKsync a bit, by setting things like a ZKsync Sepolia RPC URL, and the private key of an account that’s funded with ZKsync Sepolia Eth.
💡 Note: You can get some ZKsync Sepolia testnet ETH here .
Environment Configuration
Once you have all that create a .env
file and add the variables. Foundry automatically loads in a .env
file present in your project directory.
The .env file should follow this format:
We now need to edit the foundry.toml
file. There should already be one in the root of the project.
Add the following lines to the end of the file:
zksync-sepolia = "${ZKSYNC_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL}"
This creates a RPC alias for ZKsync Sepolia.
Writing the Script
Next, we have to create a folder and name it script
and create a file in it called NFT.s.sol
. This is where we will create the deployment script itself.
The contents of NFT.s.sol
should look like this:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {NFT} from "../src/NFT.sol";
contract MyScript is Script {
function run() external {
uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
NFT nft = new NFT("NFT_tutorial", "TUT", "baseUri");
Now let’s read through the code and figure out what it actually means and does.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
Remember even if it’s a script it still works like a smart contract, but is never deployed, so just like any other smart contract written in Solidity the pragma version
has to be specified.
import {Script} from "forge-std/Script.sol";
import {NFT} from "../src/NFT.sol";
Just like we may import Forge Std to get testing utilities when writing tests, Forge Std also provides some scripting utilities that we import here.
The next line just imports the NFT
contract MyScript is Script {
We have created a contract called MyScript
and it inherits Script
from Forge Std.
function run() external {
By default, scripts are executed by calling the function named run
, our entrypoint.
uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("PRIVATE_KEY");
This loads in the private key from our .env
file. Note: you must be careful when exposing private keys in a .env
file and loading them into programs. This is only recommended for use with non-privileged deployers or for local / test setups. For production setups please review the various wallet options that Foundry supports.
This is a special cheatcode that records calls and contract creations made by our main script contract. We pass the deployerPrivateKey
in order to instruct it to use that key for signing the transactions. Later, we will broadcast these transactions to deploy our NFT contract.
NFT nft = new NFT("NFT_tutorial", "TUT", "baseUri");
Here we have just created our NFT contract. Because we called vm.startBroadcast()
before this line, the contract creation will be recorded by Forge, and as mentioned previously, we can broadcast the transaction to deploy the contract on-chain. The broadcast transaction logs will be stored in the broadcast
directory by default. You can change the logs location by setting broadcast
in your foundry.toml
Now that you’re up to speed about what the script smart contract does, let’s run it.
You should have added the variables we mentioned earlier to the .env
for this next part to work.
At the root of the project run:
# To load the variables in the .env file
source .env
# To deploy our contract
forge script --chain zksync-testnet script/NFT.s.sol:MyScript --rpc-url $ZKSYNC_SEPOLIA_RPC_URL --broadcast --zksync -vvvv
Forge is going to run our script and broadcast the transactions for us - this can take a little while, since Forge will also wait for the transaction receipts.
This confirms that you have successfully deployed the NFT
contract to the ZKsync Sepolia testnet.
💡 Note: A full implementation of this tutorial can be found here and for further reading about solidity scripting, you can check out the
forge script
Config Reference
Config Overview
Foundry’s configuration system allows you to configure its tools.
Configuration can be arbitrarily namespaced into profiles. The default profile is named default
, and all other profiles inherit values from this profile. Profiles are defined in the profile
To add a profile named local
, you would add:
You can select the profile to use by setting the FOUNDRY_PROFILE
environment variable.
Global configuration
You can create a foundry.toml
file in ~/.foundry
folder to configure Foundry globally.
Environment variables
Configuration can be overridden with FOUNDRY_
and DAPP_
prefixed environment variables.
Exceptions are:
Configuration format
Configuration files are written in the TOML format, with simple key-value pairs inside of sections.
This page describes each configuration key in detail. To see the default values, either refer to the specific key in this document, or see the default config.
Configuration keys
This section documents all configuration keys. All configuration keys must live under a profile, such as default
Configuration related to the project in general.
- Type: string
- Default: src
- Environment:
The path to the contract sources relative to the root of the project.
- Type: string
- Default: test
- Environment:
The path to the test contract sources relative to the root of the project.
- Type: string
- Default: script
- Environment:
The path to the script contract sources relative to the root of the project.
- Type: string
- Default: out
- Environment:
The path to put contract artifacts in, relative to the root of the project.
- Type: array of strings (paths)
- Default: lib
- Environment:
An array of paths that contain libraries, relative to the root of the project.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
Whether or not to enable caching. If enabled, the result of compiling sources, tests, and dependencies, are cached in cache
- Type: string
- Default: cache
- Environment:
The path to the cache, relative to the root of the project.
- Type: string
- Default: broadcast
The path to the broadcast transaction logs, relative to the root of the project.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Whether or not to perform a clean build, discarding the cache.
ZKsync Settings
Additional zksync settings can be defined on the profile of choice by specifying profile.<name>.zksync
For example to define the settings on profile.default
# ...Normal foundry settings...
# ...ZKSync specific settings...
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Compile contracts for zkEVM.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true (will only have effect if
compile = true
Requires compile = true
to have an effect.
Enable ZKsync context on startup. This applies to tests, scripts, and any other commands that need to switch immediately to zkEVM on startup.
- Type: string
- Default:
The zksolc version to use for compilation.
- Type: string
- Default:
The solc
path to use during zksolc
- Type: boolean
- Default: “none”
Whether to include the metadata hash for zksolc compiled bytecode.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Allow compiler to recompile using optimizer_mode = 'z'
if contracts won’t fit in the EraVM bytecode size limitations.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Enable EraVM extensions (e.g. system-mode). This allows compilation of ZKsync-specific simulations.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Force compilation via EVMLA instead of Yul codegen pipeline.
- Type: array of strings
- Default: []
List of glob patterns to avoid compiling with zksolc.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
Enable optimizer on zksolc.
- Type: string
- Default: ‘3’
The zksolc optimizer mode (0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | s | z).
- Type: object
- Default: {}
Allows specifying additional zksolc Optimizer Details.
Solidity compiler
Configuration related to the behavior of the Solidity compiler.
Configuration related to the behavior of the Solidity compiler.
- Type: array of strings (remappings)
- Default: none
- Environment:
An array of remappings in the following format: <name>=<target>
A remapping remaps Solidity imports to different directories. For example, the following remapping
with an import like
import {Context} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol";
import {Context} from "node_modules/@openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Context.sol";
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
If enabled, Foundry will automatically try auto-detect remappings by scanning the libs
If set to false
, only the remappings in foundry.toml
and remappings.txt
are used.
- Type: array of strings (paths)
- Default: none
- Environment:
Tells solc to allow reading source files from additional directories. This is mainly relevant for complex workspaces managed by pnpm
or similar.
See also solc allowed-paths
- Type: array of strings (paths)
- Default: none
- Environment:
Make an additional source directory available to the default import callback. Use this option if you want to import contracts whose location is not fixed in relation to your main source tree, e.g. third-party libraries installed using a package manager. Can be used multiple times. Can only be used if base path has a non-empty value.
See also solc path resolution
- Type: array of strings (libraries)
- Default: none
- Environment:
An array of libraries to link against in the following format: <file>:<lib>:<address>
, for example: src/MyLibrary.sol:MyLibrary:0xfD88CeE74f7D78697775aBDAE53f9Da1559728E4
- Type: string (semver)
- Default: none
- Environment:
If specified, overrides the auto-detection system (more below) and uses a single Solidity compiler version for the project.
Only strict versions are supported (i.e. 0.8.11
is valid, but ^0.8.0
is not).
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
If enabled, Foundry will automatically try to resolve appropriate Solidity compiler versions to compile your project.
This key is ignored if solc_version
is set.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
If enabled, Foundry will not attempt to download any missing solc versions.
If both offline
and auto-detect-solc
are set to true
, the required version(s) of solc will be auto detected but any missing versions will not be installed.
- Type: array of strings (file paths)
- Default: none
- Environment:
An array of file paths from which warnings should be ignored during the compulation process. This is useful when you have a specific directories of files that produce known warnings and you wish to suppress these warnings without affecting others.
Each entry in the array should be a path to a directory or a specific file. For Example:
ignored_warnings_from = ["path/to/warnings/file1.sol", "path/to/warnings/file2.sol"]
This configuration will cause the compiler to ignore any warnings that originate from the specified paths.
- Type: array of integers/strings
- Default: none for source, SPDX license identifiers and contract size for tests
- Environment:
An array of Solidity compiler error codes to ignore during build, such as warnings.
Valid values are:
: 1878code-size
: 5574func-mutability
: 2018unused-var
: 2072unused-param
: 5667unused-return
: 9302virtual-interfaces
: 5815missing-receive-ether
: 3628shadowing
: 2519same-varname
: 8760unnamed-return
: 6321unreachable
: 5740pragma-solidity
: 3420constructor-visibility
: 2462init-code-size
: 3860transient-storage
: 2394too-many-warnings
: 4591
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
If enabled, Foundry will treat Solidity compiler warnings as errors, stopping artifacts from being written to disk.
- Type: string
- Default: paris
- Environment:
The EVM version to use during tests. The value must be an EVM hardfork name, such as london
, byzantium
, etc.
- Type: string
- Default: default
- Environment:
Possible values are:
does not inject compiler-generated revert strings and keeps user-supplied ones.strip
removes all revert strings (if possible, i.e. if literals are used) keeping side-effects.debug
injects strings for compiler-generated internal reverts, implemented for ABI encoders V1 and V2 for now.verboseDebug
even appends further information to user-supplied revert strings (not yet implemented).
- Type: array of strings
- Default: none
- Environment: N/A
Extra output from the Solidity compiler that should be written to files in the artifacts directory.
Valid values are:
: Written as ametadata.json
file in the artifacts directoryir
: Written as a.ir
file in the artifacts directoryirOptimized
: Written as a.iropt
file in the artifacts directoryewasm
: Written as a.ewasm
file in the artifacts directoryevm.assembly
: Written as a.asm
file in the artifacts directory
- Type: array of strings
- Default: see below
- Environment: N/A
Extra output to include in the contract’s artifact.
The following values are always set, since they’re required by Forge:
extra_output = [
For a list of valid values, see the [Solidity docs][output-desc].
- Type: string
- Default: ipfs
- Environment:
Determines the hash method for the metadata hash that is appended to the bytecode.
Valid values are:
- ipfs (default)
- bzzr1
- none
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Enables sparse mode for builds.
Configuration related to the Solidity optimizer.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
Whether or not to enable the Solidity optimizer.
- Type: integer
- Default: 200
- Environment:
The number of runs specifies roughly how often each opcode of the deployed code will be executed across the life-time of the contract. This means it is a trade-off parameter between code size (deploy cost) and code execution cost (cost after deployment). A optimizer_runs
parameter of 1
will produce short but expensive code. In contrast, a larger optimizer_runs
parameter will produce longer but more gas efficient code. The maximum value of the parameter is 2**32-1
A common misconception is that this parameter specifies the number of iterations of the optimizer. This is not true: The optimizer will always run as many times as it can still improve the code.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
If set to true, changes compilation pipeline to go through the new IR optimizer.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
If set to true, changes compilation to only use literal content and not URLs.
The optimizer details section is used to tweak how the Solidity optimizer behaves. There are several configurable values in this section (each of them are booleans):
Refer to the Solidity compiler input description for the default values.
The Yul details subsection of the optimizer details section is used to tweak how the new IR optimizer behaves. There are two configuration values:
: Tries to improve the allocation of stack slots by freeing them up earlier.optimizer_steps
: Selects the optimizer steps to be applied.
Refer to the Solidity compiler input description for the default values.
ℹ️ Note If you encounter compiler errors when using
, explicitly enable the legacyoptimizer
and leaveoptimizer_steps
as an empty string
Model checker
The Solidity model checker is a built-in opt-in module that is available in Solidity compilers for OSX and Linux. Learn more about the model checker in the Solidity compiler documentation
ℹ️ Note The model checker requires
version 4.8.8 or 4.8.14 on Linux.
The model checker settings are configured in the [model_checker]
section of the configuration.
The model checker will run when forge build
is invoked, and any findings will show up as warnings.
These are the recommended settings when using the model checker:
contracts = {'/path/to/project/src/Contract.sol' = ['Contract']}
engine = 'chc'
timeout = 10000
targets = ['assert']
Setting which contract should be verified is extremely important, otherwise all available contracts will be verified which may take a long time.
The recommended engine is chc
, but bmc
and all
(which runs both) are also accepted.
It is also important to set a proper timeout (given in milliseconds), since the default time given to the underlying solver may not be enough.
If no verification targets are given, only assertions will be checked.
The following keys are available in the model checker section.
- Type: table
- Default: all
- Environment: N/A
Specifies what contracts the model checker will analyze.
The key of the table is the path to a source file, and the value is an array of contract names to check.
For example:
contracts = { "src/MyContracts.sol" = ["ContractA", "ContractB"] }
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment: N/A
Sets how division and modulo operations should be encoded.
Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information.
- Type: string (see below)
- Default: all
- Environment: N/A
Specifies the model checker engine to run. Valid values are:
: The constrained horn clauses enginebmc
: The bounded model checker engineall
: Runs both engines
Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information on the engines.
- Type: array of strings
- Default: N/A
- Environment: N/A
Sets the model checker invariants. Valid values are:
: Contract Invariantsreentrancy
: Reentrancy Properties
Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information on the invariants.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment: N/A
Whether or not to output all unproved targets.
Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information.
- Type: array of strings
- Default: N/A
- Environment: N/A
Sets the model checker solvers. Valid values are:
: introduced in v0.8.18smtlib2
Refer to the Solidity documentation for more information.
- Type: number (milliseconds)
- Default: N/A
- Environment: N/A
Sets the timeout for the underlying model checker engines (in milliseconds).
- Type: array of strings
- Default: assert
- Environment: N/A
Sets the model checker targets. Valid values are:
: Assertionsunderflow
: Arithmetic underflowoverflow
: Arithmetic overflowdivByZero
: Division by zeroconstantCondition
: Trivial conditions and unreachable codepopEmptyArray
: Popping an empty arrayoutOfBounds
: Out of bounds array/fixed bytes index accessdefault
: All of the above (note: not the default for Forge)
Configuration related to the behavior of forge test
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Environment:
The verbosity level to use during tests.
- Level 2 (
): Logs emitted during tests are also displayed. - Level 3 (
): Stack traces for failing tests are also displayed. - Level 4 (
): Stack traces for all tests are displayed, and setup traces for failing tests are displayed. - Level 5 (
): Stack traces and setup traces are always displayed.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Whether or not to enable the ffi
Warning: Enabling this cheatcode has security implications for your project, as it allows tests to execute arbitrary programs on your computer.
- Type: string (address)
- Default: 0x1804c8AB1F12E6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38
- Environment:
The value of msg.sender
in tests.
- Type: string (address)
- Default: 0x1804c8AB1F12E6bbf3894d4083f33e07309d1f38
- Environment:
The value of tx.origin
in tests.
- Type: string (hexadecimal)
- Default: 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff
- Environment:
The initial balance of the test contracts in wei, written in hexadecimal.
- Type: integer
- Default: 1
- Environment:
The value of block.number
in tests.
- Type: integer
- Default: 31337
- Environment:
The value of the chainid
opcode in tests.
- Type: integer or string
- Default: 9223372036854775807
- Environment:
The gas limit for each test case.
ℹ️ Note
Due to a limitation in a dependency of Forge, you cannot raise the gas limit beyond the default without changing the value to a string.
In order to use higher gas limits use a string:
gas_limit = "18446744073709551615" # u64::MAX
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Environment:
The price of gas (in wei) in tests.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Environment:
The base fee per gas (in wei) in tests.
- Type: string (address)
- Default: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- Environment:
The value of block.coinbase
in tests.
- Type: integer
- Default: 1
- Environment:
The value of block.timestamp
in tests.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Environment:
The value of block.difficulty
in tests.
- Type: array of strings (contract names)
- Default: [“*”]
- Environment:
The contracts to print gas reports for.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
If set to true
, then block data from RPC endpoints in tests will not be cached. Otherwise, the data is cached to $HOME/.foundry/cache/<chain id>/<block number>
The [rpc_storage_caching]
block determines what RPC endpoints are cached.
- Type: string or array of strings (chain names)
- Default: all
- Environment: N/A
Determines what chains are cached. By default, all chains are cached.
Valid values are:
- “all”
- A list of chain names, e.g.
["optimism", "mainnet"]
- Type: string or array of regex patterns (to match URLs)
- Default: remote
- Environment: N/A
Determines what RPC endpoints are cached. By default, only remote endpoints are cached.
Valid values are:
- all
- remote (default)
- A list of regex patterns, e.g.
- Type: string
- Default: none
- Environment:
The url of the rpc server that should be used for any rpc calls.
- Type: string
- Default: none
- Environment:
The etherscan API key for RPC calls.
- Type: regex
- Default: none
- Environment:
Only run test methods matching regex.
Equivalent to forge test --match-test <TEST_PATTERN>
- Type: regex
- Default: none
- Environment:
Only run test methods not matching regex.
Equivalent to forge test --no-match-test <TEST_PATTERN_INVERSE>
- Type: regex
- Default: none
- Environment:
Only run test methods in contracts matching regex.
Equivalent to forge test --match-contract <CONTRACT_PATTERN>
- Type: regex
- Default: none
- Environment:
Only run test methods in contracts not matching regex.
Equivalent to forge test --no-match-contract <CONTRACT_PATTERN_INVERSE>
- Type: regex
- Default: none
- Environment:
Only runs test methods on files matching the path.
Equivalent to forge test --match-path <PATH_PATTERN>
- Type: regex
- Default: none
- Environment:
Only runs test methods on files not matching the path.
Equivalent to forge test --no-match-path <PATH_PATTERN_INVERSE>
- Type: integer
- Default: none
- Environment:
Number of threads to use. Not set or zero specifies the number of logical cores.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Whether to show test execution progress.
- Type: integer
- Default: none
- Environment:
The block.gaslimit value during EVM execution.
- Type: integer
- Default: 33554432
- Environment:
The memory limit of the EVM in bytes.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Print compiled contract names.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Print compiled contract sizes.
- Type: table of RPC endpoints
- Default: none
- Environment: none
This section lives outside of profiles and defines a table of RPC endpoints, where the key specifies the RPC endpoints’s name and the value is the RPC endpoint itself.
The value can either be a valid RPC endpoint or a reference to an environment variable (wrapped with in ${}
These RPC endpoints can be used in tests and Solidity scripts (see vm.rpc
The following example defines an endpoint named optimism
and an endpoint named mainnet
that references an environment variable RPC_MAINNET
optimism = "https://optimism.alchemyapi.io/v2/..."
mainnet = "${RPC_MAINNET}"
- Type: integer
- Default: 120
- Environment:
The number of seconds to wait before vm.prompt
reverts with a timeout.
Configuration values for [fuzz]
- Type: integer
- Default: 256
- Environment:
The amount of fuzz runs to perform for each fuzz test case. Higher values gives more confidence in results at the cost of testing speed.
- Type: integer
- Default: 65536
- Environment:
The maximum number of combined inputs that may be rejected before the test as a whole aborts. “Global” filters apply to the whole test case. If the test case is rejected, the whole thing is regenerated.
- Type: string (hexadecimal)
- Default: none
- Environment:
Optional seed for the fuzzing RNG algorithm.
- Type: integer (between 0 and 100)
- Default: 40
- Environment:
The weight of the dictionary. A higher dictionary weight will bias the fuzz inputs towards “interesting” values, e.g. boundary values like type(uint256).max
or contract addresses from your environment.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
The flag indicating whether to include values from storage.
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
The flag indicating whether to include push bytes values.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
The flag indicates whether to display console logs in fuzz tests or not. Note that in order to enable displaying console logs, you’ll need to set show_logs = true
and then use forge test -vv
or set verbosity >= 2
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Avoid generating reserved ZKsync addresses within the fuzzer. This avoids having to use vm.assume(addr > 65535)
during fuzzing that can ignore too many inputs causing max_test_rejects
to trigger.
Configuration values for [invariant]
ℹ️ Note
Configuration for
section has the fallback logic for common config entries (runs
- If the entries are not set in either section, then the defaults will be used.
- If the entries are set in the
section, but are not set in the[invariant]
section, these values will automatically be set to the values specified in the[fuzz]
section.- For any profile other than
- If at least one entry is set in the
(same as[profile.default.invariant]
) section, then the values from[invariant]
section will be used, including defaults.- If no entry is set in the
section, but there are entries in the[fuzz]
(same as[profile.default.fuzz]
) section, then the values from the[fuzz]
section will be used.- If it’s none of the cases described above, then the defaults will be used.
- Type: integer
- Default: 256
- Environment:
The number of runs that must execute for each invariant test group. See also fuzz.runs
- Type: integer
- Default: 500
- Environment:
The number of calls executed to attempt to break invariants in one run.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Fails the invariant fuzzing if a revert occurs.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
- Environment:
Overrides unsafe external calls when running invariant tests, useful for e.g. performing reentrancy checks.
- Type: integer (between 0 and 100)
- Default: 80
- Environment:
The weight of the dictionary. See also fuzz.dictionary_weight
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
The flag indicating whether to include values from storage. See also fuzz.include_storage
- Type: boolean
- Default: true
- Environment:
The flag indicating whether to include push bytes values. See also fuzz.include_push_bytes
- Type: integer
- Default: 5000
- Environment:
The maximum number of attempts to shrink a failed the sequence. Shrink process is disabled if set to 0.
- Type: boolean
- Default: false
Avoid generating reserved ZKsync addresses within the invariant test. This avoids having to use vm.assume(addr > 65535)
during invariant testing that can ignore too many inputs causing max_test_rejects
to trigger.